7: Vampire Nomenclature

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The next morning, almost everyone was already sitting around the dining table. They were waiting for one missing person to arrive.

"Where is Jun-hyung? Is he still sleeping?" Seokmin wondered.

"I guess. I heard he got home very late last night," Seungcheol mentioned.

"Did anything happen?" the King asked.

"We don't know. We left him behind since he wanted to spend time in the piano room. That was the last time we saw him yesterday," Wonwoo recalled.

Jun entered the dining room fully-dressed and ready to go. He took his seat and realized that everyone was staring at him.

"Is something wrong?" Jun was confused.

"We were wondering what took you so long," Soonyoung faced Jun.

"Oh, nothing. I just overslept a bit," Jun explained.

"Why were you very late last night?" the King went straight to the point.

"Well, as I was about to go home last night, I heard Minghao scream. Turns out, he was being attacked a Barbarian," Jun narrated.

"Really? Is Minghao-hyung alright?" Vernon pried.

"He's way more than fine. I used my powers to save him from the Barbarian."

"But your tone of voice seemed so happy. Did anything happen after the attack?" the King noticed.

Jun's smile became wider, "I found my soulmate last night."

"After you saved Minghao, you found your soulmate?" Soonyoung, along with everyone else, was shocked.

"Who? Who is it? Do we know him or her?" Seokmin bounced in his seat.

"Who else? It was Minghao all along. He lied to me last night that is why this happened," Jun excitedly recalled as he showed them his left wrist.

"Congratulations, hyung. I can't believe Minghao-hyung is really your soulmate," Vernon happily said.

"Well, it looks like your flirting worked in one way or another," Seungcheol teased.

"Congratulations, Jun. I hope I could meet him someday," the King told Jun.

"Yes, father. Although, he is a human just like Wonwoo's soulmate," Jun informed his father.

"Like I said, it doesn't matter to me. They are your precious soulmates so I have nothing against them," the King reassured. "Now, hurry up and finish your breakfast. You will be late for class if you don't."

The day progressed as usual. They didn't have a session for Fatumics so they got extra free time. As for the rest of the subjects, they were pretty so-so. Nothing out of the ordinary. When it finally came to their Vampirology class, their teacher was finally present.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I am Mr. Hwang Jinwoon and I will be handling your vampire class. I am so sorry I was not here during the past week as I was still finishing my graduate studies," the teacher introduced himself. "Now I know this is our first meeting but I hope you don't mind if we start our first lesson today."

"It's alright, sir," the class responded.

"So, our lesson for today is about Vampire Nomenclature. Thankfully, I can see that we have a good mix of students here so I hope the class become interactive." Mr. Hwang started. "Now, at the very basic level, there are three classifications of vampires. Does anyone know what these are?"

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