6: Night Troubles

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A week after the first Fatumics class, Section Rose Quartz was slowly falling into rhythm. They were gradually getting used to their daily routine, except for Vampirology. They haven't had any Vampirology classes yet since the teacher was not yet back from pursuing further studies.

On the hand, everyone was growing closer to each other each day, especially Mingyu and Wonwoo's circle of friends. Soonyoung was still annoying the living daylights out of Jihoon, Jun was continuously flirting with Minghao, Seokmin and Chan were getting along quite well, Vernon and Seungkwan were still shy toward each other while Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Joshua acted as the elders of the group.

Same as before, Section Rose Quartz's day ended earlier than the others since the teacher for Vampirology was still nonexistent. The thirteen teenagers all separated into each of their post-class activities. Jun had dance and piano clubs, Soonyoung and Chan had dance club, Minghao had both dance and art clubs, Jihoon had music club, Seungcheol, Wonwoo and Joshua preferred staying in the library, Seokmin and Seungkwan had the chorus club, Mingyu had cooking club, while the rest either enjoy their time off or proceeded to go home first.

On this particular day, Minghao was still at the university after dark. He was the last one to leave the club as he got caught in the moment while he was painting. After making sure he locked the clubroom, he realized that he probably was the only one left in the university.

"I guess I am the last student remaining," Minghao sighed. He was getting used to this sight actually, especially in the last couple of days.

He made his way to the main gate and started walking home. The cold evening breeze was giving Minghao some chills. However, as he was walking along, Minghao felt like he was being watched so he turned around to check his surroundings.

"Is someone there?" Minghao asked the darkness but there was nothing in sight.

Minghao continued on his way home. Only the light of the occasional street lights illuminating his way. After some turns, Minghao noticed some footsteps behind him so he turned around again.

"Who's there?" Minghao was getting scared. But same as earlier, nothing was in sight.

Minghao walked once more but this time, on a much faster pace. As he did, it seemed that someone was really following him. He was definitely sure he heard footsteps following him and felt someone or something was behind him. Minghao stopped walking. He remembered the news about some Barbarian attacks in the past few days. At this point, Minghao broke into cold sweat. He felt his pursuer getting closer and closer. Minghao gathered all his courage to look back but there was nothing.

"Looking for me?" Minghao heard a deep growl in front of him. He turned his head forward, only to see a pair of glowing red eyes —not just the iris like bonded soulmates have — but the whole visible surface of the eyes were red.

"W-w-who are y-you?" Minghao was shaking.

"There is no need for you to know. I'll be sucking you dry anyway shortly," the pursuer answered with a smirk, showing his fangs in the process.

"A Barbarian," Minghao thought.

Minghao realized he was in deep trouble. Even though he had little knowledge about vampires, he knew Barbarians were blood-thirsty vampires and were extremely dangerous.

"What's wrong, little human? Are you scared?" the Barbarian teased. "Don't worry. You'll be my fourth one this week."

Pulling out his martial arts skills, Minghao acted first and attacked the Barbarian. Caught off-guard, Minghao was able to sweep the Barbarian down on the ground after successfully landing a punch on the Barbarians face. Seizing the opportunity, Minghao ran at full speed.

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