58: Battle Royal: Part 3

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Even with chaos ensuing nearly in every corner of Fear Forest, Jun was able to locate one of the Moissanite princes. But then, as soon as Jun rushed to the said prince, the environment completely changed and turned into some kind of a metallic dome.

"What is happening?" Jun stopped as soon as he saw the change.

"Hello, Prince Junhui. I am Munhee, one of the Moissanite princes," the Moissanite greeted. "And welcome to my world."

With a single clap from Munhee, the walls of the metallic door opened and revealed military grade missiles all pointing at Jun. On cue, several missiles launched toward Jun. Calmly, Jun released consecutive blasts of shadows, causing the missiles to explode mid-air. The activation of his power caused Jun's eyes to glow in Emerald green.

"Heads up, Prince. There are still more," Munhee warned.

True enough, the rest of the missiles began flying their predetermined path. Jun easily countered with a pillar of darkness that expanded outward. Jun's attack somehow brought them back in the middle of Fear Forest.

"What is going on?" Jun was very confused.

"No time to waste, Prince. Off to our next location," Munhee stated.

From Munhee's position came a blast of light. The light coated their surroundings and transformed the area into a room full of pillars that appear and disappear in random locations every other second.

"Illusions, I see. A very formidable power for a Barbarian," Jun realized. "However, illusions are merely images projected in the mind."

"We shall see about that," Munhee smirked.

Jun rushed to Munhee's at lightning speeds. While covering the distance, a pillar suddenly appeared in front of Jun. Jun, thinking it was just a mere illusion, believed he could easily pass through it like a hologram. However, he was wrong – very wrong. He hit the pillar with such a force that he was half-way buried into the illusionary pillar.

"What—" Jun clutched his bleeding head. "How did that happen? It was supposed to be an illusion."

"Yes, it was an illusion," Munhee laughed mockingly. "However, to see is to believe. And once your brain believes that what it sees is real, the rest of the senses can be deceived as well. It's the real power of my visual illusions."

Without giving any chance for Jun to recover, Munhee snapped his fingers once again. This time, the Fear Forest reemerged but as soon as it appeared, the surroundings began spinning. Under the mercy of the illusion, Jun began feeling dizzy.

"There is no escape Junhui. Once you have lost your sanity, it will be easy to finish you off," Munhee cackled.

"There must be a way to stop this. I could use some of Haohao's intelligence right at this moment," Jun mumbled.

But then, Jun was reminded about something Minghao said when he asked his soulmate while the latter was painting a masterpiece in his very own bedroom. Jun asked Minghao why he always painted in broad daylight with his curtains and windows open. What Minghao said might be the solution to Jun's current predicament. With the thought of Minghao's brilliant explanation, Jun smiled widely.

"Why are you smiling? Have you lost your mind?" Munhee inquired.

"Nope. Not my mind," Jun replied. "Although you are about to lose to me."

"Preposterous! You don't have any aces up your sleeves," Munhee was taken back by Jun's confident answer.

But Jun did have an ace up his sleeve. Effortlessly, Jun generated darkness from his body, so much that it began to replace the spinning surroundings gradually until the two of them were completely enveloped by darkness. This effectively cancelled the effects of Munhee's illusions.

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