16: Beach Again

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Thankfully, the storm was over before the break of dawn. Just as the sun was just peeking out of the horizon, Seungcheol was already up. His first order of business was to slightly cover the window with the curtain made of translucent material to allow light to pass through but not glaring enough to disturb Jeonghan or Joshua from their sleep.

His next order to business was to take a warm bath. He took off his shirt, brought a towel and some articles of clothing with him and entered the bathroom. He turned the shower on, experimenting with the knobs to get the right temperature that he wanted. When the water was in the Goldilocks zone, Seungcheol allowed his mind to wander off as he enjoyed the water trickling down his body. He thoroughly washed and cleaned himself as he spent some quality peaceful time with himself.

While Seungcheol was enjoying himself with his bath, Jeonghan and Joshua were awakened by the stream of sunlight virtually at the same time. Joshua immediately rose and leaned himself on the headboard while still being covered by the blanket from the waist down. He noticed Jeonghan stirring awake and fluttering his eyes open, so he greeted the elder first.

"Good morning, Hannie," Joshua greeted.

"Good morning to you, too, Joshie," Jeonghan greeted with his morning voice; his whole body except his face was still covered by the blanket.

"Wow, Hannie is so adorable, all swaddled up in blanket. He looks like a helpless baby in that state," Joshua mentally noted. "And his morning voice sounds so sultry."

"Joshie is a like an angel. The way the light enhances his already beautiful features is like... wow," Jeonghan's internal voice spoke.

Silence followed the short exchange of greetings. Both of them also knew that Seungcheol in the bathroom because of the sound of the shower. They waited for him to finish up as they also had plans to wash up. The two of them stared at what's outside the window while maintaining their positions and state.

It took Seungcheol more or less ten minutes to finish. He dried himself using his towel and changed into the new garments that he brought. He was still shirtless, though. He did not bring a shirt with him and he was planning to wear a shirt outside, thinking that Jeonghan and Joshua would still be asleep.

He opened the door to the bathroom and exited as quietly as he could. However, Jeonghan and Joshua noticed the slight noise the bathroom door made and turned their heads to the direction of the sound.

"Good mor—" Jeonghan and Joshua was about to greet when they got cut off because of the sight that welcomed them – a shirtless Seungcheol.

"Good morning to you two." Seungcheol nonchalantly greeted.

When those words left Seungcheol's mouth, both of their faces heated up to a blush and even froze in place. They were mesmerized by how sculpted Seungcheol's upper body was.

"Wow. I never realized Seungcheol was this buff," Jeonghan thought.

"His body is amazing. Vampires really are different," Joshua swallowed.

On the other hand, Seungcheol himself was enchanted by the sight in front of him – Jeonghan swaddled in a blanket and Joshua being ethereal-looking with the help of the sunlight.

"How can the two of them look so aesthetic this early in the morning?" smiled at the thought. "I am willing to give up everything just to wake up every day with this sight."

Snapping out of his thoughts, Seungcheol noticed that his roommates were immobile.

"Hello? Guys? Anything wrong?" Seungcheol's voice brought them out of their mental shutdown.

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