46: Enlighten

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Two days after the beach holiday, all the students of Adore U, including the Princes and their soulmates, were shocked when the first thing that slapped their faces early in a Monday morning was the announcement of a whole day surprise examination per subject. Thankfully, Section Rose Quartz was above average so everyone managed somehow. Section Rose Quartz was even luckier than most sections as out of their eights subjects, only six gave them tests. Fatumics and Vampirology did not even bother showing up.

At the end of the day, there was a light at the end of the academic tunnel brought by the PA system.

"Good afternoon, students of Adore University. The administration is pleased to announce that there will be no classes tomorrow due to the Quarterly General Staff Meeting," the speaker blared. "I repeat: the administration is pleased to announce that there will be no classes tomorrow due to the Quarterly General Staff Meeting. That would be all. Thank you."

And with the announcement, the school erupted in a jamboree. Tired from being mentally drained, the Princes and their soulmates went to their respective homes, having no time nor the enthusiasm to do any post-school leisure activities.

"So, I heard you have no classes tomorrow. Do you have any plans?" the King asked before he took a spoonful of soup.

"Currently, we have nothing. The school gave us surprise exams that we were too tired to plan for tomorrow," Seungcheol answered.

"Then, perhaps, if I could make a suggestion, you should go to Funtone. Aren't you curious about what is the name of the color of your beautiful eyes?"

The Princes looked at each other before Soonyoung spoke up, "Oh... my... goodness! We absolutely forgot!"

"We still don't know the name of our eyes' color," Wonwoo's eyes widened.

"How could we forget?" Vernon was baffled.

"Well, with all the prophecy, Joshua-hyung being anemic, Chan's, Jihoon's, Jeonghan-hyung's and Seungkwan's powers manifesting, trip to Hall University, and seeing doppelgangers, it's no mystery why we forgot," Jun enumerated.

"So, I guess we should head to Funtone tomorrow?" Seokmin said.

"Sure. We should invite our soulmates as well. Let's contact them through our chat group after dinner," Seungcheol decided. "Thanks for the great idea, father."

Fast forward to tomorrow morning, the group was outside the main building of the Funtone company. With Seungcheol leading the pack, they entered the building and stopped in front of the office reception desk on the lobby. The employees were eyeing the group, most probably because of the Paragons.

"G-good morning, P-prince Seungcheol, how can Funtone serve you, your brothers and your friends today?" the female at the office reception desk stuttered

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"G-good morning, P-prince Seungcheol, how can Funtone serve you, your brothers and your friends today?" the female at the office reception desk stuttered.

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