8: Triple Double

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With their class dismissal, the circle of thirteen friends were now gathered to discuss what were they going to do.

"So, what should we do now?" Jeonghan asked.

"Well, I am going straight home because I still have other things to attend to," Seungcheol answered. Jeonghan and Joshua were both saddened by his answer but they did not let it show.

"Some of us have clubs," Soonyoung pointed out. Jihoon, Seokmin, Seungkwan and Chan nodded in agreement.

"I have to go home with Seungcheol-hyung. I also have things to do at home," Vernon responded.

"I am going to stay in the library for a while," Joshua mentioned.

"Let me come with you, then," Jeonghan offered.

"Then how about you, Wonwoo-hyung and Jun-hyung?" Vernon inquired.

"I am going out with my soulmate," the two of them simultaneously answered.

"Wonnie is going to visit my house," Mingyu smiled while Wonwoo put his arm around Mingyu's shoulders.

"I understand Wonwoo-hyung but how about Jun-hyung? You already found your soulmate?" Seungkwan wondered. "Who?"

"It's Haohao!" Jun announced as he pulled Minghao to his side. Minghao only blushed and looked down at the floor with the sudden revelation.

"Minghao?" the non-Paragons shrieked. "Is this true?"

Minghao only nodded. Jun and Minghao both raised their left hand to show them their marks.

"Okay. Wow. This is shocking," Joshua could only speak in broken sentences.

"Minghao, we will be hearing the story later, okay?" Seungkwan looked at Minghao in an intimidating manner. Minghao just nodded slowly.

"So, I guess everyone had their schedules planned out. If that's the case, allow me to leave first, everyone," Seungcheol declared and exited the room. Vernon followed Seungcheol after waving goodbye.

As soon as Seungcheol left, everyone scattered to their own schedules. Jeonghan and Joshua finally entered the library and chose a table for two at a secluded corner of the library.

"Do you always go here?" Jeonghan whispered.

"Well, I like to read books from time to time. The silence also calms me," Joshua whispered back with a smile. Jeonghan's heart kicked into full gear when he saw Joshua smile.

So, Jeonghan and Joshua read some books inside the tranquil library. However, as this was not Jeonghan's favorite pastime, he lost concentration with his book. He put his book down but his attention was, instead, caught by the person in front of him. Joshua was just silently reading; the book on his right hand while his left hand supported the weight of his head. Jeonghan couldn't believe one could actually look mesmerizing while reading a book. He continued to stare at Joshua, who was oblivious to his actions, until he finally succumbed to the silence of the room and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Joshua was enjoying the book he was reading. It took him a while but he noticed that Jeonghan wasn't in his line of sight anymore. He took a glance to Jeonghan, only to see him peacefully sleeping. Involuntarily, Joshua stared at the sleeping Jeonghan.

"How does someone look so handsome while sleeping?" Joshua reached out and caressed Jeonghan's exposed cheek with the back of his hand a few times.

Joshua's touch awakened Jeonghan from his nap, "Joshie? Oh, sorry I fell asleep."

"No, it's okay," Joshua jerked his hand back to his side and stuttered as he answered Jeonghan while taking a glance at the wall clock. "By the way, it is getting late. I think we should head home now."

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