1: The King's Request

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It was nearly seven in the morning

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It was nearly seven in the morning. The sunshine was already creeping its way upon the land of the Carat Kingdom. And while almost everyone inside the palace is still deep asleep, one particular person was already up and about – Crown Prince Seungcheol. Being the Crown Prince, Seungcheol had to act by the book which meant that he had to wake up early every day because kings are never late, or so what "the book" says. Seungcheol was just quietly rummaging in his room and silently preparing himself for the day when a knock on his door broke the silence.

"Who is it?" Seungcheol asked.

"Prince Seungcheol, the King has called for you and your brothers for breakfast as he has something to announce," the palace helper said from the other side of the door.

"Noted," Seungcheol replied. "By the way, can you make sure my brothers are already awake?"

"Certainly," the helper responded.

The helper proceeded to check if the other princes were already awake. Meanwhile, Seungcheol prepared himself for breakfast and made his way into the dining area.

"Good morning, Seungcheol," King Sungsoo greeted him.

"Good morning to you too, father," Seungcheol greeted back.

"Please have a seat as we wait for your brothers," the King stated.

One by one, the other Princes started to arrive in the dining area. The food was served and everyone enjoyed a quiet breakfast. However, there was tension in the air. The brothers were actually worried about what the announcement was. This was the first time their father has called every one of them for a meeting this early in the day. Finally, the King sensed the thickness of the tension in the air and decided to end the uncomfortable peace.

"Uhm..." — the King clears his throat — "I have an announcement to make."

The Princes turned their heads to their father and Seungcheol, as the eldest, talked in behalf of his brothers, "What is it, father?"

"I have arranged for the six of you to attend Adore University," the King announced.

"Why, father?" Junhui, the second eldest, remarked.

"I want you all to socialize with the people in our kingdom, especially you Seungcheol," the King reasoned out.

"But why Adore U?" Vernon, the youngest of the six, asked.

"Because Adore U is not only the best university in the kingdom but the university also accepts both humans and vampires as students," the King elaborated.

Yes. You read that right. Vampires. The King and the Princes are vampires. Carat Kingdom is a kingdom where humans and vampires co-existed harmoniously for many centuries now. And even though all of the Princes were technically adopted, the Princes call the King their father. After all, it was Han Sungsoo who turned them into a vampire to save their lives – with the exception for Seungcheol but now is not the time for an explanation. Despite this, the King considers all six Princes to be his own flesh and blood and all of the Kingdom treats and looks at them the same way.

"Also, I chose Adore University because as you know, Wonwoo's soulmate is studying there," the King followed his own statement. "It will be a great opportunity for all of you, especially Seungcheol, to meet up with our constituents."

"Am I thinking what I think you are thinking?" Seungcheol's eyes widened when he realized something.

"What? What is it, hyung?" Soonyoung inquired.

"He wants us to start looking for our soulmates," Seungcheol blurted out. The rest of the siblings looked at their father.

The King sighed out, defeated, "Yes. I want you to start searching for your soulmates, especially you, Seungcheol. I want to pass the throne to you as soon as possible."

"Why?" Seungcheol rebutted.

"I have been ruling this kingdom for centuries now, Seungcheol. My bottom is starting to get sore from sitting in the throne all this time," the King answered. His answer made all the Princes giggle except for Seungcheol who was glaring daggers at him.

"Ok, fine. I want to relieve myself from the responsibility. It has been a long time and the crown is already becoming heavy on my head. I want to do things and enjoy myself for once," the King honestly explained. "That is why I want to pass on the throne to you soon. I know you are already capable but I think by looking for your soulmate, you will gain more insights about our kingdom that will be helpful by the time you will be King."

Seungcheol couldn't help but sigh. His brothers looked at him, waiting for his decision.

"If that is what you want, then I accept," Seungcheol decided.

"Are you sure?" the King wanted to verify.

"Yes. Now, stop asking me before I really change my mind," Seungcheol raised his right arm to stop further questions.

"Aju nice! I am so excited. I wonder if I will find my soulmate?" Seokmin, the second youngest prince, exclaimed.

"Well, if you will lie to every single person you will meet there, then chances are high that you will meet him," Junhui rolled his eyes.

"I wonder how will my soulmate's and my marks look? I can't wait for my soulmate's mark to merge with my tiger mark," Soonyoung excitedly looked at his left wrist.

"I'm nervous. I hope my soulmate is either a Pedigree or a Hybrid," Vernon mentioned.

"Why? What's wrong with having a human soulmate?" Wonwoo raised his eyebrows.

"Well, I have no idea how to explain everything to them. What if they don't want a vampire as a soulmate? I'm so worried," Vernon mumbled.

"Nonsense. Be confident. You are a Paragon after all. Everything is going to be alright," Wonwoo reassured his younger brother.

"And don't worry. No matter who your soulmates are, I will gladly welcome them into the family. Wonwoo's soulmate is a human after all," the King consoled his children.

"Yes. My huge pain-in-the-ass human soulmate who behaves more like a puppy," Wonwoo exhaled heavily while shaking his head.

"By the way, when are we going to start?" Seungcheol asked his father.

"Well, basically, the classes already started today. So, I arranged for you to transfer in next week," the King responded. "Wonwoo, could you request your soulmate to be your guide for next week?"

"Okay, I will," Wonwoo smiled as he looked at the cat and dog mark on his left wrist.

"Any other announcements or surprises?" Seungcheol faced the King curiously.

"No. That would be all. I just wanted to tell you as early as possible so that you can prepare yourself," the King smiled softly.

With the end of the conversation, the royal family continued with their breakfast. However, Seungcheol was deep in thought.

"Well, I guess I have to do this for the kingdom. You knew it is going to happen sooner or later," Seungcheol internally spoke to himself.

Truth be told, Seungcheol was still reluctant to take the throne. He felt like he was still unworthy and unskilled to rule Carat Kingdom the way his father did. But it was his father's wish for him to take the throne, so he has no choice but to accept. And for him to be able to take the throne, he had to find his soulmate first.

"If I do find mysoulmate, I hope my soulmate will like me," Seungcheol breathed out a really heavy sigh.

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