37: Conditions

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To say that both Seungcheol and Jeonghan were nervous was an understatement. While on the way to Joshua's house riding on the royal limousine, the two of them had been sighing every now and then.

"What's wrong, guys? Why are you sighing?" Joshua asked with a frail tone; his head leaning on Seungcheol's left shoulder.

"Well, we are just worried about how you parents will react. We might be the cause of your current state," Jeonghan said while also leaning to Joshua's left shoulder.

"It's totally okay, guys. My parents are levelheaded. And besides, I don't think they will blame you guys for my condition," Joshua was the one reassuring the two, which was an irony considering he was the ailing one.

"How about you, Shua? How are you feeling right now?" Seungcheol told Joshua.

"Still feeling weaker by the second and occasional pain in the chest and abdomen. Other than that, I feel really comfortable in between the two of you," Joshua had the time to joke.

"Just a little more, Joshie. We are almost there," Jeonghan patted Joshua's head gently.

Finally, the trio arrived at Joshua's house. Seungcheol and Jeonghan were supporting Joshua from both sides. Seungcheol anxiously pressed the doorbell and waited for the door to open.

"Who's ther— JISOO!" Joshua's mom exclaimed at the sight of his feeble son. "Come in, come in."

Joshua's mother led the three toward their living room where Mr. Hong was also waiting for his son.

"Jisoo, where were you last night? Jeonghan, what happened, dear?" Mr. Hong started the interrogation.

"Before I answer your question, sir. Allow me to introduce Choi Seungcheol, our classmate in Adore U," Jeonghan introduced the prince.

"Seungcheol? As in Crown Prince Seungcheol? Oh my goodness! Sorry if we didn't recognize you, your majesty," Mrs. Hong quickly apologized.

"Uhm, it's okay, ma'am. And just call me Seungcheol."

"Jisoo, where were you last night and why is Jeonghan and Seungcheol here?" Mr. Hong asked again.

"Allow me to explain everything, Mr. and Mrs. Hong," Seungcheol volunteered. "This might come as a shock but, you see, your son, Joshua, is soulmates to both Jeonghan and me."


"Seungcheol and Jeonghan are my soulmates," Joshua mustered his remaining strength to repeat the statement.

"How did this happened? I thought you were just going out last night?" Joshua's mother was confused.

"Well, I was dying last night because of a prophecy which will kill me if I don't find and bond with my soulmate," Seungcheol elaborated. "Although I already found and bonded with Jeonghan, my condition did not improve. This greatly confused even the kingdom's Mystics."

"After I accidentally revealed in our chat group that Seungcheol is dying, Joshua rushed to the palace last night to see Seungcheol, which led to him lying to both of us and realizing we are a soulmate triad," Jeonghan finished what Seungcheol started.

"Ok, I understand all of that but what does that have to do with our son looking so weak and pale," Joshua's father wanted some explanation.

"Well, if you could recall, last night was the Super Blue Blood Moon—" Seungcheol was cut off.

"So, both you and Jeonghan needed his blood to alleviate the pain and thirst, am I correct?" Mrs. Hong sighed with her realization and turned to face his son. "Son, that was foolish of you considering your blood disorder. However, I know you just did what you think was right and I'm proud of you for that."

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