25: Moon Over and About

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Even though Joshua did his very best to pray for Mr. Hwang's no-show, nobody listened to his prayers. And further adding insult to injury, Mr. Hwang entered the classroom with huge grin on his face. However, Joshua was still positive. Due to the fact that Vampirology was one of his favorite subjects and the lectures were usually interactive and interesting, he was expecting for time to just breeze through.

"Good afternoon, class," Mr. Hwang greeted and the class responded. "We will be having our second Vampirology lecture today."

"Yes! I was really looking forward to this," Mingyu smiled at Wonwoo; his eyebrows moving up and down teasingly. Wonwoo broke into cold sweat.

"So, what are we going to discuss today, sir?" Zico was curious.

"Have you heard the news about the Super Blue Blood Moon this coming weekend?" Mr. Hwang asked the class.

"Yes, sir. I think everyone knows about that. It was all over the news," Jihoon stated.

"Good. What we are going to talk about is connected to that phenomenon," Mr. Hwang started. "Our topic is about the Moon's effects to all vampires. Now, our vampire companions, especially the Princes, must have an idea what are these effects but for the sake of young vampires and humans and also since some of you are soulmates with vampires, I decided to tackle this topic with regards to the upcoming lunar event."

The class erupted into murmurs of excitement. The Paragons, however, were on the fence about this. They did not want their soulmates to know about it this way but considering the near future, they decided it was for the best.

"Unfortunately, though, this topic is a little bit sensitive for the part of the vampires. Judging on your faces, I think only the Princes know what we are going to talk about. More or less, I expected this considering most of you are newly-born vampires," Mr. Hwang cautioned. "But let me tell you right now. It's not going to be pretty."

The class became slightly serious and nervous with Mr. Hwang's warning.

"Okay, including the upcoming astronomical spectacle, we are going to discuss five types of moons and their individual effects on vampires. Are you ready to listen, class?"

"Yes, sir."

"So, I am going to start with the Full Moon and Super Moon since they only have similar effects," Mr. Hwang started. "Full Moons and Super Moons are the calmest moons for the vampires. During a Full Moon or Super Moon, vampires will feel the thirst for human or vampire blood. However, this is negligible and vampires can usually shrug the thirst off, although newly converted vampires may not be able to suppress their thirst during their first Full Moon. Another effect Full Moon and Super Moon have on vampires is that it augments their powers a bit. Meaning vampires gets a little power boost under the Full Moon or Super Moon."

"How about during the New Moon?" Jieun raised a question.

"During the New Moon, their powers remain as it is. However, as the Moon slowly turns full, their powers are slowly being boosted. After the Full Moon, as the Moon slowly reverts back to being a New Moon, the power boost also starts to decrease. On the other hand, when the Moon is not in its closest distance from the Earth, it has no effect on them."

"Oh..." Jieun reacted.

"Now, let's go to the not-so-good but also not-so-bad Moon, the Blood Moon," Mr. Hwang continued. "Does anyone know how a Blood Moon occurs?"

"During a total lunar eclipse," Renjun responded.

"Correct, a Blood Moon is a term used to refer to the Moon during a total lunar eclipse," Mr. Hwang explained. "The Blood Moon is in the middle in terms of severity. Under the Blood Moon, vampires' eyes glow because it triggers their vampiric traits. Unlike Full Moons or Super Moons though, Blood Moon makes the urge to drink human or vampire blood stronger, albeit still manageable. The thirst, however, can be quenched by drinking the blood of their soulmates, if they already found theirs. But vampires can still manage to get through the Blood Moon even without drinking any blood, though it takes a lot of willpower."

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