62: Suiting Up

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In the days leading to the Hymeneal, the whole capitol city, and even the whole kingdom itself, became busy. It was due to the fact that the King announced the upcoming Hymeneal on all possible media outlets. The kingdom was very happy with the fact that the last pro-merger Paragon family was increasing in number. Streets were decorated with the Princes and their soulmates' banners. Streamers, flags and other decorations filled the whole kingdom. With the Hymeneal's announcement, public attention increased on the soulmates.

"Congratulations on your upcoming Hymeneal, guys!"

"Best wishes to everyone!"

In fact, even the whole Adore University, most especially Section Rose Quartz, were greeting the thirteen every now and then. Thankfully, the soulmates were already expecting this kind of attention.

"And so, since the Dreamies are going, we have decided to invite the rest of the section to our Hymeneal," Jeonghan announced as he flashed the six invitations for Zico, Jessi, Chungha, Jieun and Sunmi.

"Yes!" Jessi exclaimed. "But why are there six invitations?"

"So that Jieun-noona could bring her soulmate with her," Chan explained.

After the final school day before the Hymeneal holidays, the Princes and their soulmates each went on a different path. Starting from tomorrow, everyone will not be able to see each other in preparation of the upcoming Hymeneal.

The next day, the Princes were summoned to the palace's living room.

"What? What is it, father?" Seungcheol asked with slight annoyance in his tone.

"It's time for your fitting. You need to look decent for the upcoming Hymeneal, you know?" the King retorted.

With the help of the royal professionals in the field of clothing and fashion, the Princes were styled according to their preferences one by one. The tedious cycle of wearing and taking off the clothes were inevitable as the Princes looked for the outfit that best suited them. Minutes turned to hours. The Princes became extremely meticulous with their selections; they want to impress their significant others on the big day after all. The fitting and selecting lasted for almost four hours before the six Princes were able to find their preferred combination of clothes for their Hymeneal.

On the other hand, the Consorts were also looking for their outfits separately, together with their families. The King did promise to shoulder all expenses for the Hymeneal, including the soulmates' and their families' clothes. Of course, with their growing popularity, many store owners were approaching and convincing them to shop at their ateliers and boutiques as they pass by.

Jeonghan was shopping with his parents and his younger sister together with Joshua and his parents. The two families decided to shop together since the two of them have the same soulmate. As the soulmates of the Crown Prince, many were trying to get them and their family into their stores until one boutique caught Jeonghan and Joshua's attention.

"Welcome to Pretty U Boutique," the male owner greeted. "Am I right in assuming that everyone is here to shop for their Hymeneal outfits?"

"Y-yes," Joshua bashfully answered.

"Okay. So let's start with the Crown Prince's two good-looking soulmates," the owner pulled them to two adjacent fitting rooms. "Just wait for a while. Let me work my magic."

After half an hour of trying and showing it to their parents, along with ideas on what they wanted to wear, the owner was finally able to hit the spot for the two.

"This is perfect!" Jeonghan gasped.

"Oh, I like this look," Joshua's eyes widened.

"We'll take this," Jeonghan and Joshua told the owner.

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