Official Statement (Epilogue)

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Immediately after the royal Hymeneal, the thirteen were split into their respective pairs for their private time in predetermined locations after officially tying the knot. Reliable sources indicate that the six groups all went to occupy one of the many island beach houses and resorts owned by the royal family. However, specifics were not divulged for their privacy.

A day after the Hymeneal, the triad was enjoying their quality time together in Shining Diamond, the royal vacation beach resort in Quelpart Island. The trio had just cleaned up after having dinner since the resort's staffs were given a holiday in order to give the trio some alone time with each other. Right now, the three were in the largest house in the resort, watching the evening news while cuddled in bed in the master bedroom.

"I still can't believe you are both mine now," Seungcheol sighed.

"So do I," Jeonghan snuggled closer in Seungcheol's right side. "The fact that the Royal Hymeneal was yesterday is still not sinking in to me."

"Me? I'm just glad we are all together now, officially. I'm not letting the two of you go ever," Joshua chuckled.

"On the other hand, I still cannot believe that out of all the possible places, your father hid the Hallyu Kingdom's magical artifact in just a vacation beach house," Jeonghan pointed out.

"Well, I can somehow assure you that room is one of Carat's maximum security rooms," even Seungcheol himself was a little dubious about what he is saying.

"But is it just me or that magical artifact looks like a K-Pop group's li—" Joshua wanted to express his thoughts but was stopped midway.

Their mini conversation was interrupted by a news that certainly got their attention, especially Seungcheol's.

"BREAKING NEWS! King Han Sungsoo announces that he is officially stepping down as the kingdom's ruler. According to our sources, King Han Sungsoo is now handing the reins of the kingdom to Crown Prince Seungcheol after the two signed the documents yesterday. —"

"Documents? I did not sign any documents to receive the kingship," Seungcheol muttered.

"— Thus, starting from this very moment, Crown Prince Seungcheol has the authority over the whole kingdom. King Han Sungsoo also added that the coronation will happen within the coming weeks. For the meantime, the Royal Defense Squad are temporarily taking over as all of the Princes, including Crown Prince Seungcheol, are currently enjoying their time with their partners after the Royal Hymeneal yesterday. I am Kim Samuel and this is GoSe News," the anchor finished delivering the news.

"Wait, I remember now!" Seungcheol exclaimed as he squirmed from his lying position to lean on the headboard. "Father made me sign a document yesterday after the ceremony, saying it was for the Hymeneal. I did wonder why I was the only one signing. Turns out, it was document for the transfer to power to me? No wonder he had sly smile on face when he asked me to sign it."

But before Jeonghan and Joshua could express their opinions, Seungcheol's phone rang. It was a video call notification for the thirteen's chat group; Vernon was the one calling.

"Hansol-ya, why are you calling?" Seungcheol spoke as soon as he answered the request. Just a split second before Vernon could answer, the rest of the Princes began to join the video call.

"Seungcheol-hyung, have you seen the news?" Jun, Soonyoung, Wonwoo and Seokmin asked near in-synch with each other.

"That was the reason I called," Vernon revealed.

"Before Cheol will answer the question..." Joshua trailed off.

"What is everyone even doing?" Jeonghan finished Joshua's sentence.

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