28: Formalities: Part 2

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While Wonwoo, Vernon and Jun were getting the permission of their respective soulmate's parents, Soonyoung and Seokmin were also on their way to their soulmate's house. For them, however, the task was easier as both Jihoon and Chan were already Hybrids.

Chan opened the door after hearing the sound of the doorbell, "Kyeomie! You're here!"

Seokmin gave Chan an eskimo kiss, "Of course. Are you not happy to see me?"

"Of course not. I always like to see you. Come in," Chan offered.

"Are both of your parents here?"

"Yes, just like you requested."

"How about your younger bro?" Seokmin inquired.

"Not here. He is staying over a friend's house for a school project."

"By the way, I never got to ask but which of your parents is the vampire?"

"It's mom. She's an Archetype."


"Yeah. It greatly shocked dad, she said," Chan recalled as they entered the dining area. "Mom, dad, my guest is here."

"Prince Seokmin? Why is the Prince here?"

"Good afternoon, ma'am and sir. I am Lee Seokmin and I am your son's soulmate," Seokmin introduced himself with a huge grin on his face.

Chan's father spluttered his coffee, "WHAT?"

"I am your son's soulmate," Seokmin reiterated.

"Are you a vampire?" Chan's father asked.

"How ignorant can you be?" Chan's mother lightly slapped his husband's shoulder. "Yes, he is a vampire and he is also one of the Princes of the kingdom."

"Goodness gracious! I apologize for my harsh words, your majesty," Chan's father bowed.

"Ah, there is no need, sir," Seokmin panicked. "If anyone should apologize, it's me. I'm sorry if I only introduced myself today despite becoming Chan's soulmate two weeks ago."

"It's okay, your majesty. We understand that your very busy with your duties," Chan's father dismissed. "It's our honor to have you as our son's soulmate."

"Please call me Seokmin."

"By the way, Seokmin. What brings you here today?" Chan's mother got to the point.

"It's because of tomorrow's moon. I think, being a vampire yourself, ma'am, you know what are the moon's effects to our kind," Seokmin began.

"So, you're here to ask permission if you could suck blood out of our Chan here?"

"Yes, ma'am. I would like to formally have your consent."

"Sure, why not? It's your duty to each other as soulmates after all." Chan mother easily agreed.

"Thank you for your permission. But I would like to ask permission for another thing," Seokmin continued. "Since Chan is a Hybrid, may I have your consent to turn him into a Paragon?"

"What difference would it make?" Chan's father asked.

"Since Chan is a Hybrid, this means that he is only half-vampire. Making him into a Paragon would make him a full-blooded vampire. Also, being a Paragon has its benefits including Chan developing much stronger powers just like what we have."

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