59: From the Back

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Knowing the real objective of the Moissanites, Seungcheol hurriedly reunited with his brothers. He found Seokmin and Wonwoo circling around Jun, Vernon and Soonyoung, who were heavily injured, lying on the ground.

"Are you three alright?" Seungcheol immediately checked on his two brothers.

"I'm fine," Soonyoung answered.

"With major injuries, but nah, I'll live," Vernon replied.

"Sorry for the rush, but we have to hurry back to the palace," Seungcheol urgently told his brothers.

"Why?" Jun inquired.

"There are seven Moissanite princes. And assuming each of us took care of a prince, that still leaves one Moissanite prince alive," Seungcheol laid out. "Their real target is not us, but our soulmates. The remaining Moissanite prince is heading to the palace to attack our soulmates."

The other Princes were alarmed with what Seungcheol told them.

"Then, we should get back to the palace immediately," Seokmin was worried for his soulmate.

"But how? The nearest teleporter is Chenle and we have no idea where they are and we don't have the means to contact them," Wonwoo pointed out.

"For now, let us to try find them by foot," Seungcheol decided.

Together, they carried Jun, Vernon and Soonyoung on their shoulders. Seungcheol was also supporting Wonwoo as he also had some injuries himself. In one way or another, the six Princes were all linked together.

"There must be a way to get the palace faster," Seungcheol was getting impatient and anxious.

Like a miracle, Seungcheol and his brothers disappeared in swirling light blue orbs of light.

On the other hand, while the Princes and the Dreamies were battling hard to defend the palace, the soulmates were also waiting for them from the backyard. And though the Dreamies were doing their best to eliminate as many Moissanites as possible, it cannot be denied that the invaders' sheer number will cause some Barbarians to slip past the Dreamies defenses.

Thankfully, the soulmates slightly anticipated that possibility. That was also one of the reasons why they were waiting outside for their Princes. Just in case some Barbarians would show up, they will do everything in their power to stop the attackers. Thankfully, their enhanced senses were able to detect the presence of an incoming mob of Moissanites.

"Barbarians, incoming!" Jihoon announced. "Everyone, in position."

"Jeonghan-hyung, just stay with Joshua-hyung. After all, your Augmentation could already cover a considerable distance." Mingyu suggested.

Standing side by side, Jihoon, Mingyu, Minghao, Seungkwan and Chan were valiantly standing in front while Jeonghan and Joshua just slightly behind them. They took their position I the middle of the huge backyard.

"Don't worry, Joshie. I'll keep you safe," Jeonghan swore.

"I feel useless, Han. I want to join the fight too," Joshua sadly said.

'I know, Joshie, but not now," Jeonghan consoled, kissing Joshua in the temples.

At the first sight of Barbarians, Jeonghan activated his Augmentation, boosting the abilities of Jihoon, Mingyu, Minghao, Seungkwan and Chan. With the activation of his power, Jeonghan's eyes glowed in Serenity blue.

"Let's show them what we trained for," Jihoon mentioned.

"But be careful," Jeonghan reminded them.

First to strike was Mingyu. His eyes glowed Chili Pepper red as he grew thorny vines to entangle and choked a group of Barbarians in his line of sight. Those who managed to evade the surprised attack still fell victim to the vines as Mingyu was controlling them remotely to act as whips.

"Nature strikes back," Mingyu giggled.

"Seungkwan, now!" Jihoon instructed Seungkwan.

At Jihoon's cue, Seungkwan flooded the whole area around them and Jihoon froze the waters. Seungkwan's eyes were glowing in Radiant Orchid violet while Jihoon's eyes were glowing in Tigerlily orange. The backyard became a large field of ice and the Barbarians who did not act quick enough had their feet trapped on the thick ice.

"My turn," Minghao stated.

Minghao brought his palms together like a prayer; his eyes glowing Emerald green behind his eyelids. Immediately, beams of light rained from the sky, reducing every Barbarian they came into contact with into ashes. The stuck Moissanites were especially helpless against Minghao's technique. With Minghao's attack, the frozen ground broke up into pieces.

"Thank you for that, Minghao-hyung," Chan decided it was his time to take action.

With his eyes glowing in Mimosa yellow, Chan used the chunks of frozen earth and hurled them toward the invaders. Chan's attack was not that flashy as compared to his hyungs but many Barbarians fell victim to his offense.

"Chan-ya, I need your support," Mingyu announced.

Mingyu conjured up razor leaves for an omnidirectional attack. Chan controlled the razor leaves to becoming homing projectiles. Minghao made a huge flash of light, temporarily blinding the invaders. Taking the opportunity, Seungkwan made it rain and Jihoon transformed the rain into big hailstones. Without their eyesight to warn them, many Barbarians were taken out by the hail.

So far, so good. The soulmates were battling effectively and their powers somehow blended seamlessly with each other. The Barbarian underlings never made it close to them. Maybe it was because the soulmate utilized attacks that cover a large area of effect.

When the Barbarians were slowly increasing in number, Mingyu release poisonous spores and scattered it with the help of Jihoon's mist. Mingyu also eliminated a large number of Barbarians by growing sharp bamboo all of a sudden or attacking using razor leaves and sharp, poisonous thorns with the help of Chan's Telekinesis. Minghao's power was doing quite well on its own. From beams to balls, flash bombs to arrows made out of light, Minghao was steadily reducing the Barbarian attackers. Seungkwan's power provides many combination opportunities with Jihoon's Cryokinesis. Furthermore, the addition of Jeonghan's Augmentation really increased the force behind their attacks.

The soulmate squad were also stable defensively. Even when Barbarians with offensive powers took a shot at them, they easily dodged or countered the attack. Seungkwan was able to extinguish some fireballs and optical fire bolts. A Barbarian who can generate smoke was easily dealt with by Jihoon. Projectiles were just being deviated by Chan. Mingyu and Minghao simply used their powers to directly counter any power thrown at their direction.

Everything was going smoothly for the soulmates. They were confident that they could handle the invaders off by themselves. But like the famous saying said, it's not over until it's over.

Jeonghan was alerted when he heard a scurrying noise behind them. When he turned his head around, indeed, a Barbarian fired several energy beams at their direction.

"Joshie, watch out!" Jeonghan exclaimed.

Pushing Joshua out of harm's way, Jeonghan was able to deflect a beam back to the Barbarian, reducing it to ash. Unfortunately, Jihoon, Mingyu, Minghao, Seungkwan and Chan got hit on their backs and fainted. Jeonghan was also hit by another beam and landed on the ground quite harshly. With the fatigue from his Augmentation, he also lost consciousness on the ground.

"Han! Jihoon! Mingyu! Minghao! Seungkwan! Chan!" Joshua screamed. He hurriedly scurried to his unconsciousness friends.

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