60: Perfect Timing

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"Han! Jihoon! Mingyu! Minghao! Seungkwan! Chan!" Joshua screamed one by one. He hurriedly scurried to his unconsciousness friends. Fortunately, everyone was still breathing.

"Ooh... how unfortunate. If only you were not the Princes' soulmates, all of you would not have suffered this fate," a voice stated.

"Who are you?" Joshua raised his head as tears stream down his cheeks.

"I am Juwon, the youngest prince of the Moissanites," the Barbarian introduced.

"What did you do to them? What do you want?" Joshua was seething with anger.

"Me? My objective is simple," Juwon answered. "To eliminate the soulmates of the Princes."

"I won't let you do that," Joshua bravely claimed.

"Really? While the fact that your friends developed powers already proved to be a difficult obstacle to overcome, I believe you don't have any powers," Juwon chuckled.

"What makes you think I don't?" Joshua was keeping calm. He must hide the fact that he, in fact, was powerless.

"Simple. I was observing the battle closely and you didn't do anything. Five of your friends were actively defending the palace while I thought the other one is also powerless," Juwon explained. "The fact that he pushed you out of the beam's way and he was able to deflect it back to my underling proved that you are the only one without powers."

"I was merely saving my powers in case things went worse," Joshua claimed.

"We shall see about that. If that is indeed true, you should be able to defend your friends from my power. But if it is false, no one's stopping me from killing all of you," Juwon sinisterly threatened. "Such a shame though. Your friends have wonderful powers."

"You wouldn't do that," Joshua was internally panicking.

"Oh, yes, I will. And I will do it on the count of three," Juwon declared. "One..."

Joshua was petrified. There was absolutely nothing he could do.


"Cheol, save us!" Joshua covered himself on top of Jeonghan's unconscious body.

"Three... Time is up, human," Juwon said.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Joshua shouted out of pure desperation.

Juwon unleashed his Energy Wave upon the seven soulmates. Juwon was expecting an easy kill but, on the contrary, his expectation did not come to fruition. Before his Energy Wave could come near the soulmates, a light blue force field, similar to the color of Joshua's eyes, enveloped the seven and protected them from the Barbarian's attack.

"What? What is this?" Juwon was surprised with the unforeseen turn of events.

Eager to accomplish his mission, Juwon released his Energy Waves over and over again onto the seven. However, each attempt was thwarted by the existence of the force field that came out of nowhere.

Joshua, meanwhile, was waiting for their impending doom. He knew nothing could save them at this point, that all hope was lost. He neither knew nor realized that a barrier was keeping him, his soulmate and his friends alive. All he cared was covering Jeonghan's body from any incoming attack.

Irritated by the force field, Juwon lost his temper, "That won't keep you safe for long! Sooner or later, I will accomplish my goals for my brothers!"

Juwon activated his power in a continuous stream. He did not care even if it drained him of his strength completely; he was entirely focused on annihilating the soulmates. Thankfully, the shield was holding so far.

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