Arrière (Backwarder)

Start from the beginning

Huge Timeskip.

At the Gare du Nord train station, Ladybug comes swinging on her yo-yo.

The bug hero hides behind the building. "Spots off!" She transforms back into Marinette.

"Trains number 8625 and 8025 in the direction of Paris, Montparnasse are arriving on platform 12." The announcer said.

Darius escorts Victoria onto the train while Gabriel did the same thing to Mrs. Tsurugi. Adrien escorts Kalianna onto the train as well.

"Thank you, Mon Roi." The noirette smiled at him.

"Welcome, ma déesse." Adrien smiled back at her as he escorted an envious Kagami onto the train. The blonde-haired boy is about to enter when he hears someone calling his name.

"Adrien!" Marinette runs towards him desperately while panting.


"Er..." Marinette takes her letter out of her purse. "Here! Read this in the drain-er-on the train! I've never told you kiss-this, but what I want more than anything else in the world is written on this piece of paper and..." She blushes looking straight at Adrien. "Only you can give it to me."

Adrien gasps.

Marinette rushes away. "Sorry-" She bumps into someone. "Ugh! Medical emergency!"

Adrien looks down at the letter while Kagami stares sternly after Marinette.

Marinette hides behind the building once again. "I did it! I gave him the letter; I actually did it, after all this time! Why did I wait so long? It was so easy!"

"I'm so proud of you, Marinette! You were right to take the plunge." Tikki said.

"All right! Time for the next one... Tikki, spots on!" The bluebell-eyed girl transforms into Ladybug and swings away on her yo-yo.

Scene: In The Startrain.

Gabriel shifts uncomfortably as he adjusts his tie and moves away from someone walking down the aisle. Behind him, Victoria and Darius were practically cuddling.

"I'm feeling a sense of uneasiness in you, Gabriel-san!" Mrs. Tsurugi mentioned.

"I think I just don't like being away from home, that's all."

"He who hopes, gives himself the opportunity to obtain what he desires. But he who fears, always ends up with the very thing he dreads."

"I shall remember that, Tsurugi-san."

Meanwhile, Adrien is reading Marinette's letter in surprise and Kalianna is next to him, looking out the window. Kagami was behind the two, burning holes into Kal's seat.


Gabriel's Miraculous shines. "Ah!" He swiftly stands up.

"Father?" Adrien watched as Gabriel walked towards the back.

"Gabriel, you okay?" Darius asked.

"We are about to depart; stand clear-"

Gabriel walks up to the conductor. "You!" He presses the mute speaker. "This train will not depart until I say it can!"

"Who do you think you are?!" The male train conductor retorted in revulsion.

"I am Gabriel Agreste! And I'm not feeling well, and until I'm feeling better nobody goes anywhere; is that clear?"

The conductor nods. "Mm-hm... Yes, I'm sorry Mr. Agreste."

Gabriel goes into the washroom and locks the door.

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