"Here. Have some." Sejin offered Dreamer the freshly baked cookies.

"These smell so nice!" Dreamer took a bite, "And taste so delicious!"

Sejin smiled.


"Did you bake this yourself?"

"Annio. Yoongi helped me."

"Have you known him since-"

"Pre-debut." Sejin smiled.

"Long time."

SUGA walked out wearing a simple yet t-shirt and pants. He saw Dreamer sitting on the kitchen counter, eating and talking with Sejin. SUGA smiled to himself and walked upto them, stood silently behind Dreamer, leaned in sideways and grabbed a cookie from the plate. Dreamer almost jumped out of surprise.

"Hmm. Mashita." SUGA said.

"I'll go pack these before they get spoiled." Sejin said as he moved away from the two.

"Miss Dreamer." SUGA called.

"Nae Mr. Yoongi?"

"Can you teach me to paint?" SUGA asked, hopefully.

"Teach you painting?"


"Sure I'll. But don't you have to rush for practice?"

"I took the whole day off Miss Dreamer."

"I see. So now? You want to learn now?"

"Yes please."

Dreamer smiled and got down from her stool. Yoongi led the way stood infront of the canvas with his portrait. He glanced at it, mentally appreciating it.

"You got any spare canvas?" SUGA asked.

"Thankfully I do."


Dreamer pulled out a medium sized canvas from her big bag and propped it upright.

"Here. Hold this brush like this." Dreamer said handing Yoongi a brush.

Yoongi held it instructed by her.

"Andwae not like this, stroke the brush like this." Dreamer instructed Yoongi as they started with the paints.

Dreamer took a step back and looked at Yoongi working the brush as she had asked him. She smirked at him but quickly composed her as Yoongi turned to look at her.

"Am I doing right?" SUGA asked.

"Absolutely right Mr. Yoongi." Dreamer said, her holding a bit as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

Yoongi finished the painting they had started and looked at it standing a few steps away from it.

"Its good, isn't it?" Dreamer asked sitting down on the couch.

"Ofcourse. Afterall you taught me." SUGA said sitting on the couch, opposite to Dreamer.

"Actually no."

"What? Why?" SUGA asked.

"Don't you think you did it without much problem? Like for a beginner?"

"I a great learner you see Miss Dreamer!" SUGA said trying to prove his point.

"Or you knew how to paint." Dreamer raised her brows at SUGA, smirking.

"Annio! I didn't!" SUGA said trying to prove Dreamer wrong.

Not So Ideal💜 <<KTH ff - ft. SUGA>>  Where stories live. Discover now