“Wouldn’t this look lovely?”

“Oh, I was thinking more of a pastel blue color.”

“That would look beautiful on her.”

“What if I don’t want pastel blue? I hate that color. What if I want red and black? Lots of black, huh? What if I don’t want fresh flowers and instead I want dead ones? If I’m getting married by force, I’m planning my fucking wedding!” I shouted, finally letting my anger out.

Landon’s hand went tightly around my waist and Payton got up, his face still covered in bruises, “Landon, let my fiancée go.”

“I am not your fiancée. I want nothing to do with you, you low life creep. I’ve never done anything, in this short month of knowing you that has made you act like this. You ruined everything. I hate you.” In all the sixteen years of being alive I’ve never had so much anger and resentment to a person.

“Brynn, stop that.” My mother said off-handedly. She ignored my protests about my wedding and I snapped. I stormed over to where Tessa and my mother were planning and shoved everything off the table. I picked up the pictures of the many dresses our mothers had picked out and I tore them in half.

“I’m. Not. Getting. Married.” I said in a final tone and walked upstairs. I stormed into Payton’s room and grabbed anything I could put my hands on and started throwing it out of the window and into the backyard. Most of his stuff landed in the pool and I hope it was permanently damaged.  I walked back to his desk and I found his phone and Itouch and I smiled evilly. I heard steps headed to the room and I prayed that Payton was coming.

My prayers were answered when Payton walked in, looked around his room surveying the mess and glared at me. I smiled sweetly at him and he took a timid step forward.

“Brynn, I know you’re upset.” He said slowly.

“Brynn, I know you’re upset.” I mocked; “you have no idea how angry I am. I’m beyond angry. And you know why? Because you ruined everything, yes you did. You just walked into my life without giving me a chance to even have a say in anything and you broke up the BEST relationship I have ever had. Do you know what that feels like?” I didn’t wait for a response, “You don’t. All you think about is yourself and your needs and what you want. Did you ever stop and think that, for once in your life you didn’t deserve anything. You don’t deserve me.”

I kept stepping closer to the window and holding his cell phone and Itouch out farther.

“Brynn, hate me all you want, but don’t destroy anymore of my stuff.” He took one step forward and I took a giant step towards the window.

He backed up, arms in the air as in surrender. I smiled at him. He was going to pay.

“I’ll do what I want.” And I turned and dropped his phone and Itouch out of the window, Payton ran to the window just in time to watch it fall to the concrete and smash into pieces.

 Payton turned to me and got in my face. “You’re a bitch, you know that? Maybe if you didn’t string people along you’d have more friends. I’m sick and tired of your ‘woe is me’ bullshit. You got what you deserved.”

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