26 | cheater?

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Taehyung and Jungkook stood frozen, eyes widening in response. Jimin, like a statue, grappled with how to react. Blank and uncertain, he questioned whether to yell, cry, or demand an explanation. Yet, there was nothing to explain; he had witnessed it all. The anger and jealousy welled up within him, but he grappled with their legitimacy.

Jungkook, a distant memory to Jimin, now sparked an unexpected jealousy. Despite the haze, Jimin understood he should confront Jungkook, be angry, for Jungkook was supposed to be his husband—or so Jimin believed. He should be feeling the anger and jealousy, yet in that moment, the emotional response eluded him.

So, he chose to turn on his heels and walk away without a glance, leaving Jungkook in futile pursuit. The room hung heavy with shock as Jungkook turned to Taehyung, seeking guidance. "W-what should we do now?" Jungkook's shaky inquiry lingered in the air. Guilt weighed on them, though they hadn't cheated on Jimin.

"What? Go talk to him, idiot!" Taehyung urged in a whisper, pushing Jungkook toward resolution. Jungkook hesitated, turning back to Taehyung. "But what do I tell him?"

Taehyung sighed, "Think as you talk. Now go!" With a firm push, Jungkook stepped out of the room, uncertain and fearful. He hadn't committed any wrong, just a misjudgment in timing.

Entering the room, Jungkook found Jimin with his back turned. A sigh of relief escaped him; avoiding eye contact seemed a respite. "Look, Jimin, what you saw wasn't really true. I was helping Taehyung to—"

"Remove the dirt off his eyes?" Jimin's interruption turned him around to face Jungkook. Alpha gulped, grappling for the right words. "Or trying to count his teeth by... kissing him?"

Jungkook stammered, "N-no, Jimin. I wasn't kissing—"

"You were! I saw it with my own eyes. I'm not a kid who doesn't know what a kiss is!" Jimin's eruption of anger echoed. Jungkook struggled to find his voice amidst the accusations.

"What did you think? I wouldn't notice your closeness to Taehyung before? You always stare at him and talk in whispers. Last night, you were texting him, right?" Jimin's proximity increased.

"And now you're all over him! You must have thought I lost my memory, that I wouldn't have a problem with this because I don't feel for you now. Is that what you thought?" Jungkook shook his head, yearning for an opportunity to explain amidst Jimin's torrent of words.

"But you know what, Jeon? Cheating is cheating! And you did cheat on me. I don't think you ever loved me."

"Jimin, just listen to me once!" Jungkook shouted.

"No, Jungkook! There's nothing to explain now. I've seen everything with my own eyes. Nothing will prove that you didn't cheat."

"We lied to you, Jimin!"

Jimin finally ceased speaking and looked at Jungkook with a confused expression. Furrowing his brows, he scoffed loudly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah, I saw! You lied that we had a love marriage because you don't actually love me. You love Taehyung, so why did you marry me?"

"I didn't marry you!" Jungkook shouted back, utterly done with everything. He decided to reveal the truth to Jimin because if he didn't do it now, the situation would only get worse. Unfortunately, it seemed like Jimin didn't hear him clearly.

"Why would you do that to me, Jungkook? How can you not think about me? You don't deserve to—wait, what did you say?"

Jungkook sighed, "I said I didn't marry you. We are not married, so stop making it a big deal."

"Oh, so now you'll say I didn't marry you, and then you'll say I didn't just have your child inside my stomach? Right? Do you think I'm dumb, Jungkook?" Jimin shouted, seemingly oblivious to everything. Jungkook knitted his brows together, deadpanning himself.

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