25 | don't speak, just kiss

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"You're not grasping it, Jungkook. We could have lost our child," Taehyung whispered with a trembling voice. His fingers fidgeted nervously on his lap as he sat on the bed in their shared bedroom. Jungkook stood by the window, leaning against the frame and smoking a cigarette.

Downstairs, Jimin was absorbed in watching something on the television. Although they initially joined him for a movie, they excused themselves, citing fatigue, leaving Jimin to enjoy the film alone.

Seizing the moment, they decided to address the issues. Everything was in disarray, and solutions were needed. Taehyung's sorrow was palpable when they left the hospital, and Jungkook could sense that something deeply troubled the beta.

Jungkook comprehended the source of Taehyung's distress. Jimin believed Jungkook to be his husband, and they had to maintain that charade until Jimin's memory returned. However, Jungkook knew that Taehyung wasn't pleased with the situation. After all, he was the one who initially proposed the idea of posing as Jimin's husband. Jungkook extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray, sighing to himself.

"This is my fault. I should have intervened when that car hit Jimin. I was just standing there like a statue. I should have gone there and saved Jimin; then, this wouldn't be happening. He wouldn't have met with an accident and wouldn't have lost his memory," Taehyung cried out, hiding his face in his knees. Jungkook walked over to Taehyung and sat down next to him, placing a comforting hand on his back.

"Hey, don't think like that. You didn't know this was going to happen. Not me or anyone. This was written in our destiny, and it would have happened no matter what. We should not dwell on 'what ifs' and try to get through this together. Let's work on helping Jimin remember everything," Jungkook said, rubbing Taehyung's back. Taehyung nodded, wiping his face with the sleeve of his shirt. "And don't blame yourself, Taehyung."

"It's not your fault because it was mine," Jungkook thought to himself.

"The villain just killed the main character. What a waste of time? Stupid film and brainless writer! Let's watch something good next time like—"

Taehyung and Jungkook immediately stood up from the bed, facing Jimin with serious expressions as he entered the room.

"What brings you guys here? I just wrapped up the movie, and that might be the worst one I've ever seen," he grumbled, sinking into the plush couch beside him, resting his head against its arm.

"That was my first film post-memory loss; I can't even recall the types of movies I used to watch. But whatever," he continued.

"It's alright. I'll pick a different movie for you tomorrow," Taehyung chimed in, smiling at him, a stark contrast to his earlier mood. Jungkook sighed, observing Taehyung's transformed expression. "Or we can head out to a theater. What do you think, Kookie?"

Jungkook nervously smiled and nodded, "Y-Yeah, of course. Why not?"

"Awesome! We can take him along too. What was his name? Yoongi?" Jimin exclaimed. Jungkook confirmed, "Yeah, him. He wanted to meet me, right? So, let's plan that for tomorrow. I want to remember him too."

"It's getting late. You should rest now. Your room is just next door," Jungkook suggested, and Jimin agreed, getting up from the couch.

"Wait," Omega turned around, eyeing Taehyung and Jungkook, who wore puzzled expressions. "What do you mean, 'my room'? You're my husband, right? So, we both should have one room."

Jungkook's eyes widened briefly as he realized the implication and then chuckled nervously, glancing at Taehyung, who maintained an unreadable expression.

"Y-yeah, right. Of course, we have one room. I-I mean, we live together, in the same room. You know, we are married," Jungkook stammered nervously, and Taehyung shook his head at his boyfriend's overacting.

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