41 | just a surrogate?

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Today was the eagerly anticipated day—the ultrasound. Jungkook had diligently secured an appointment with the doctor as advised by Namjoon, who was currently out of town. Namjoon specifically recommended consulting a specialist for pregnant omegas, especially male omegas. Jimin, donned in a purple hoodie and black trousers, awaited the alpha and beta downstairs, their delay testing his patience. Omega sighed, deciding to climb the stairs despite Jungkook and Taehyung's earlier instructions.

Yet, it wasn't his fault that they were engrossed in who-knows-what, leaving him waiting for a frustrating thirty minutes.

Stepping into Jungkook's and Taehyung's room, Jimin was met with emptiness, prompting an annoyed exhale. Ascending the stairs once more with his noticeably large belly, he resisted the impulse to express his frustration physically. As he turned to leave, the sound of the alpha's voice reached him, "Taehyung, can you grab me a towel?"

The unexpected voice caught Jimin off guard, seemingly emerging from nowhere. However, he quickly realized it emanated from the bathroom. A sigh of relief escaped him as he tuned into the alpha's words.

Jungkook's voice echoed behind the closed bathroom door, saying, "It must be on the bed or somewhere."

Jimin's eyes fixed on a neatly folded white towel on the bed. With Taehyung mysteriously absent, he opted to deliver the towel personally. Retrieving it, he approached the slightly ajar bathroom door. A hand extended from within, signaling for the towel. Anticipating a simple exchange, Jimin reached out, only to find Jungkook's grip firmly on his wrist.

In an instant, Jimin felt himself pressed against a solid surface, accompanied by the audible click of the closing door. A gasp escaped him as his eyes involuntarily shut. Jungkook had swiftly pulled him into the bathroom, forcefully pressing him against the door. As Jimin gradually reopened his eyes, he was met with Jungkook's surprised expression. Both alpha and omega stood wide-eyed. Jimin couldn't help but gulp harshly, especially as he took in Jungkook's bare upper half, the alpha's height accentuated by their close proximity.

His gaze fixed on Jungkook's sculpted chest.

Jimin resisted the temptation to look down—definitely not wanting to witness that.

Yet, despite his intent, Jimin's eyes gradually lowered, unveiling Jungkook standing in the nude.

Jimin's eyes widened, a scream escaping him as he instinctively shielded his eyes with one hand while clutching the towel tightly with the other. The unexpected scream caught Jungkook off guard.

Despite Jimin's continued screams and covered eyes, Jungkook, equally startled, swiftly took the towel from him and wrapped it around his waist, concealing his private parts. Jimin continued to scream as if confronted by a ghost.

"Jimin, stop screaming!" Jungkook, visibly annoyed, urged. But Jimin persisted. Jungkook sighed heavily and silenced Jimin by covering his mouth with his hand.

When Jimin eventually opened his eyes, Jungkook stood a few steps away, his hand lingering on Jimin's lips.

"Are you crazy? Why did you scream so loudly?" Jungkook questioned, removing his hand. Jimin, still catching his breath, glanced down to see Jungkook now covered, for which he felt thankful. "Sh-shut up! This is your fault! Why did you pull me inside and slam me into the door? Are you crazy?" Jimin shouted, his face flushed with embarrassment. "And at least wear underwear while showering. Why were you showering stark naked?"

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