06 | beautiful things

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Taehyung brought the car to a stop in front of Omega's house. "Thank you for the lift," Jimin expressed as he unfastened the seatbelt. "It's fine. You don't have to thank me. We're friends now, right?" Taehyung remarked.

"Oh, yeah, of course. No 'thank you' between friends," Jimin replied as they exchanged a high-five. "Exactly!"

"So, see you later!" Jimin said, opening the car door and stepping out. "Sure! You can call me whenever you're free or want to hang out. I'll always be there," Taehyung assured, and Jimin smiled.

"Sure! Bye Tae!" Jimin bid farewell, closing the car door and taking a step backward. He waved to his newly made friend, who eventually drove off.

Jimin approached the door of his house. Without bothering to knock, he used the spare key from his pants pocket to unlock the door. With a sigh, he entered the cozy apartment, closing the door behind him. "Jimin!" A voice caught his attention, and he turned around to find his housemate standing there.

"Oh, hyung! Good morning!" Jimin chirped as he walked toward the couch in the living area. "Good morning, my ass! Where have you been since last night? You didn't even text me or pick up my calls. I was so worried about you," Yoongi complained, following Jimin to the couch.

"Calm down, hyung! I'm fine. My phone died, so I couldn't text you," Jimin explained, plopping down on the couch and grabbing the remote from the table.

"Whatever! But you still haven't told me where you were last night. And why aren't you using suppressants? Jimin, you know, it's not good—" Yoongi began, his hand on his hips as he looked at Jimin with a frowned expression.

"Yeah, I know! I used it last night in the bar, but I don't know what happened after. And can you please chill and sit here?" Jimin said, getting up and grabbing his hyung's arm, making him sit beside him.

"You won't believe where I was last night!" Jimin exclaimed with excitement, leaving Yoongi looking puzzled. "Where?" he inquired. "In Jeon's mansion, hyung! And guess what? I slept on a massive King-sized bed. The room was incredibly spacious, and there was even a bathtub. For breakfast, I had a delightful steak and noodles. Can you imagine that?"

As Jimin shared his experience, the name "Jeon" captured Yoongi's attention. Where have I heard that before? he wondered. "And hyung, I also made a friend. He's a beta and quite handsome. But he's taken," Jimin pouted, recalling the face of the alpha. Yoongi observed his friend's disappointed expression.

"His boyfriend is so rude, the complete opposite of Taehyung," Jimin continued sharing details while Yoongi maintained an uninterested look. "But why were you there?" Yoongi asked with a bored expression, not thrilled about Jimin praising other males.

"I was walking through the alley and crossing the road when a car came right in front of me, and I was about to get crus—" Jimin began but was immediately cut off by Yoongi. "WHAT?!" he exclaimed.

"Calm down, hyung! I'm not dead, as you can see. I'm perfectly fine, so don't create a scene now," Jimin reassured.

"Jimin, you were almost about to get crushed by those dickheads' car, and now you're telling me how handsome they were. Are you mentally ill or something?" Yoongi questioned, not able to fathom his friend's behavior.

"Hyung, don't make it a big deal. I'm right in front of you, safe and sound. Nothing happened! So chill, okay! And don't call Taehyung a dickhead. He is nice," Jimin insisted, pouting, while Yoongi rolled his eyes.

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