44 | officially together

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They stumbled upon Chanyeol in the hallway, who swiftly guided them to the hospital room. Once there, he tenderly settled the crying omega onto the bed, with Jungkook steadfastly holding the omega's hand. Junghyun lingered nearby, grappling with a hint of uncertainty about his role in this crucial moment.

Chanyeol, taking charge, instructed them to massage Jimin's hands and feet while fanning him. He then excused himself to procure the necessary items for the impending delivery. As they diligently followed the doctor's directives, Chanyeol left the room, making way for an additional presence.

Taehyung, catching sight of Jimin surrounded by the two, hurriedly approached the hospital bed, his face etched with concern. Jimin, spotting Taehyung, clutched the beta's hand, his relief palpable. "Taehyung, thank god you are here. I thought I was about to die."

"You'll be okay, Jimin. I'm here, okay? Breathe," Taehyung reassured, firmly holding Jimin's hand while gently caressing the omega's head. Chanyeol returned with the necessary supplies, accompanied by two nurses. Jungkook and Taehyung continued to offer solace to Jimin.

After a series of cries, screams, and intense moments, the room was graced with the first cry of the baby. Jimin, completely drained, struggled to open his eyes, his face flushed from the exertion. Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged meaningful glances, tears of joy welling in their eyes, as the doctor announced, "Congratulations, it's an Alpha boy."

Chanyeol, sporting a smile, delicately handed the baby to Jungkook, whose trembling hands cradled the newborn's cries. Despite a touch of blood, the nurses had meticulously wiped the baby clean before handing him to the doctor. Jimin slowly opened his eyes, finding solace in the presence of Taehyung and Jungkook. Overwhelmed with emotion, he gazed upon his son in Jungkook's arms—tiny fists and toes capturing the hearts of everyone present.

With tears of happiness, Taehyung remarked, "He is so small." Jungkook, moving closer to Jimin, gently placed the baby beside the omega. Tears rolled down Jimin's eyes as he beheld his son for the first time, now peacefully lying on the bed, gazing at the ceiling with his adorable doe-like eyes.

Jimin turned toward the baby, his body showing signs of exhaustion. Delicately, he cradled his baby's tiny fist and placed a gentle kiss on the infant's head. "Our baby. So beautiful," he whispered, stealing a glance at his smiling boyfriends.

"Taehyung, what have you decided for the baby?" Jimin inquired.

Taehyung smiled, slowly taking the baby into his arms and admiring the little one for a moment. He then tenderly placed a soft kiss on the baby's head and announced, "Jaemin. Jeon Jaemin."

"Jaemin," Jungkook repeated with a wide smile. "That's perfect for our baby."

Jimin's eyes widened as he realized something upon hearing that name. "Taehyung, that name-"

"Yeah. It's crafted from our three names. That's why I thought it would be perfect," Taehyung explained, eliciting a smile through Jimin's tears.

Their tender moment with the newborn was interrupted by a coughing sound. They turned to find Junghyun standing next to the bed. "May I have permission to carry my grandson?" he asked, a warm smile on his face.

Taehyung chuckled and nodded. "Of course, Mr. Jeon." He handed the baby to the older man.

"Wow," Junghyun exclaimed. "He is so small, just like Jungkook when he was born."

"Aren't all babies small when they are born?" Jungkook playfully remarked.

Junghyun laughed at his son's remark. "Jaemin, look, it's your grandpa. Grow up quickly so that we can go out to play together."

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