16 | handling the drunk bois

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Jungkook's POV:

A surge of anger pulsed through my veins, and I could feel my fists clenching at the mere thought of someone defying my explicit instructions. The fact that the culprit was my boyfriend only fueled my fury. I scanned the hall, desperately trying to locate the two who had vanished from my sight.

I had made it crystal clear that they were not to leave my side under any circumstances. I would have followed them even to the restroom. Their sudden disappearance wasn't just rude; it was downright foolish. Did they believe I was laying down rules for mere amusement? No, they were wrong. It wasn't just for fun.

A smirk involuntarily played on my lips as I contemplated the impending punishment I was about to deliver. I walked around the hall, hoping to catch even a fleeting glimpse of them, but they were nowhere in sight. Someone interrupted my search by calling out, "Jeongguk?"

I turned to see a familiar man, his broad muscles and towering height setting him apart from the crowd. He approached me with a smile, and I reciprocated with one of my own.

"Hey, hyung," I greeted. He grabbed a drink from the waiter and offered me one, but I shook my head. I had other pressing matters to attend to, like finding two fools in this massive crowd—a challenging task, especially in my current state of intoxication.

"Where's Taehyung? You never attend business parties alone," Namjoon hyung remarked, and I chuckled slightly. He was right; I never ventured into such events without Taehyung.

"He came with me, but now I can't find him. He disappeared on me."

"Oh, I see. Just call him," he suggested, taking a sip of his drink. I immediately dialed Taehyung's number, but he wasn't picking up.

"He isn't answering," I informed. Seriously, where the heck are they?

"He must be around somewhere. Don't worry," he assured me, and I nodded with a smile on my face.

Suddenly, a phone started ringing. I glanced at my phone's screen, anticipating Taehyung's call, but I was proven wrong when I realized it wasn't my phone.

"Excuse me?" Namjoon hyung said as he walked away to answer his call. I sighed heavily, and my eyes instinctively landed on the bar counter.

They widened at the sight in front of me. Jimin was standing on the bar counter?

What the hell?

He was engaged in conversation with a man standing down near the counter, and the man's hands reached towards Jimin. It seemed like the man was attempting to get Jimin down from the counter, but Jimin wasn't complying.

The atmosphere near the bar area buzzed with people who couldn't help but gossip about Jimin's conspicuous behavior. My frustration heightened as I approached the bar counter, capturing the attention of the man who seemed to be trying to coax Jimin down.

"Jimin!" I shouted in an attempt to break through, but he remained engrossed in a drunken conversation with a guy nearby, clearly showing signs of intoxication.

The man's gaze shifted to me, and I quickly bowed to apologize for Jimin's erratic actions. "I'm sorry. I'll get him down," I assured, and he nodded before walking away.

Turning my attention back to Jimin, I found him on the counter, dancing with an empty glass in hand, pretending to indulge in a drink. "Jimin, get down!" I yelled, but my words seemed to fall on deaf ears as he continued his incoherent babbling. How much had he even consumed? I seized his legs to prevent further antics, and he whined, finally acknowledging my presence.

"Come on! Get down from the counter," I urged, gripping his waist, but he resisted with loud protests, sipping an imaginary drink from the empty glass.

"Noo~" he whined again, pushing my hands away. "I want to drink. I want some drink. Get me a drink. I wanna get drunk," he sang, the lyrics making little sense.

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