36 | new feelings & fights

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It was six in the morning, and Jimin found himself in the gym room with Jungkook. In his third month, Jimin followed the doctor's advice to engage in light exercises beneficial for his fitness and the baby's health.

While Jungkook diligently worked out, Jimin opted for the treadmill, beads of sweat forming as he walked. As Jimin exercised, memories of an intense encounter with Jungkook from three months ago played in his mind – the grunts, the curses, and the reluctant admission of finding pleasure in the shared moments.

Initially perceiving Jungkook as cold and rude, Jimin had discovered a different, more playful side to the alpha over time, developing a friendship akin to that with Taehyung. However, a lingering feeling persisted that he no longer felt like a friend to Taehyung. The thought made Jimin gulp, and he couldn't shake the realization that he was secretly attracted to Jungkook.

Jimin's gaze involuntarily traced Jungkook's well-defined biceps flexing with each pull-up. He grappled with internal conflict, acknowledging his physical attraction to Jungkook despite recently realizing his feelings for Taehyung.

Determined to halt such thoughts, Jimin focused on finding a way to talk to Taehyung about the Hyunjin situation. The dilemma lingered on whether or not to reveal the recent incident involving Hyunjin's blackmail.

"Hey," Jungkook called, pulling Jimin from his thoughts. Turning his head, Jimin saw Jungkook on the ground. "Can you pass me that bottle?" Alpha gestured towards the bottle on the table near the treadmill.

With a light huff, Jimin stopped the treadmill, walked to the table, and instead of merely passing the bottle to Jungkook, he opened the cap and took a sip. Jungkook sighed, rolling his eyes as Jimin wiped the excess water from his mouth with his wrist. An unspoken exchange passed between them, adding a layer of tension to the already complicated dynamic.

"What? I was thirsty, okay?" Jimin said with a duh tone before closing the bottle with the cap and then tossing it to Jungkook, who effortlessly caught it with his left hand.

"Yeah, I know," Jungkook shrugged. "You got thirsty from just walking on the treadmill for fifteen minutes. Look at me, I've been doing pull-ups for the past fifty minutes."

Jimin scoffed, hands on his waist. "You always do that. It's not even that hard."

Jungkook took a sip from the bottle and then turned his attention back to Jimin. "Oh really? Then why don't you try it."

"Me? You want me to try... that?" Jimin said, a little surprised, pointing towards the pull-up bars. Jungkook nodded as if it wasn't a big deal, putting the bottle on the ground and crossing his arms on his chest, wearing a cocky smirk.

"Why? Can't do that, huh?" Jungkook teased, raising an eyebrow at him. "Not even surprised." He let out a humorless chuckle.

"Excuse me?" Jimin said, not liking Jungkook's cockiness. "I can do that, okay? It's not even that hard."

"Well, okay then," Jungkook gestured with his hand, ready to see Jimin attempt pull-ups.

Jimin walked past Jungkook towards the bars, Jungkook's eyes following him. Jimin saw that the bar was higher than he preferred. He raised his hands to reach the bar but fell short. Jimin knew Jungkook might be having a good laugh. He jumped slightly on his feet to reach the bar again but failed. He sighed loudly, attempting again and again.

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