32 | get together

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Jungkook witnessed it all.

He saw everything.

Did they believe an alpha could be blind not to notice what unfolded inside the house? Oh, they were mistaken.

Jungkook observed that the two were behaving unusually today. The usually affectionate couple, not in that way, and usually engaging in enthusiastic conversations, now interacted like strangers. The house felt unusually quiet. Jungkook couldn't comprehend what was happening. Why were Jimin and Taehyung acting like this? Why had they become like complete strangers? While setting the dinner table, Jungkook offered to help, but both just nodded in response, leaving him puzzled.

"What happened to both of you?" Jungkook inquired after they finished setting the dining table, now in the living room. Taehyung and Jimin exchanged glances and then immediately looked down. Taehyung still felt guilty about his actions; he was about to kiss Jimin. It wasn't a minor incident, and Taehyung couldn't pinpoint the reason yet.

Nervously, Taehyung smiled at his boyfriend and gulped softly. "W-what do you mean?"

Jungkook furrowed his brows, looking suspiciously at both of them. Jimin hadn't spoken since the kitchen incident with Taehyung. He couldn't bring himself to say anything; it felt as if opening his mouth would lead to embarrassment. Scared of his own words, he used hand gestures and nodded in response to Jungkook's questions.

Taehyung, on the other hand, had become distant. As Jimin expected, Taehyung was avoiding him. What could he do? Embarrassed by his own actions, Taehyung felt a profound sense of shame and struggled with how to share this with Jungkook.

"You know what I mean, Taehyung," Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Why are both of you acting like someone stole your favorite candy or something?"

Silence hung in the air.

"Did something happen between you guys?" Jungkook asked, knitting his brows.

"No!" They almost shouted simultaneously, exchanging wide-eyed glances and nervously gulping.

"Now, I'm sure. Something happened. You guys aren't usually like this. You're always cheerful and happy with each other. You're not even talking to each other now. Did you guys have a fight?" Jungkook pressed. Both shared uncertain glances, unsure of how to respond.

Jimin decided to break the silence. "We didn't fight, Jungkook. W-we're just tired from all the cooking and setting up. That's all." He chuckled nervously.

"Oh, I see," Jungkook replied, still not entirely convinced.

Before anyone could say more, the doorbell rang. Taehyung seized the opportunity to escape the living room, avoiding Jungkook's questions. "I'll go check." He informed as he walked towards the door, opening it to greet his friends.

"Hey, guys!" Taehyung welcomed them enthusiastically, ushering them into the mansion. Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Seokjin greeted back and entered. Taehyung closed the door behind them and joined everyone in the living room.

"Hi, everyone!" Jimin waved.

"Hey, Jiminie!" They greeted back.

"So, what are we doing today?" Hoseok asked, collapsing onto the couch and grabbing the remote from the table.

"Anything but not that stupid drag show!" Yoongi grumbled, snatching the remote and starting to search for a movie while Hoseok pouted.

Namjoon and Seokjin chuckled at their antics. "Right, let's watch a movie instead. What do you say, Taehyung?" Seokjin suggested, grabbing a pack of chips from the table and settling onto the couch next to Yoongi and Hoseok, still fighting for the remote.

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