"I don't know, mom! I don't know! I don't know!" Valerie sobs out. She wraps herself up and hung her head as she continues to cry. "I don't know what happened. I don't know why I said that. I'm just so confused, and hurt. I'm so angry with myself. I'm so disgusted with myself I just don't know what to do. I'm so sorry!" She looks to her mother with pleading apologetic eyes. "I'm so sorry mom! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry!"

The all too familiar pain comes soaring through her body making her unable to breathe and through the pain she continues to apologize to her mother. Valerie starts to beat onto her chest to have air go to her lungs but in her distraught, in her stress, she couldn't control her emotions and slowly she was starting to lose control of everything. Botg Leena and Dante saw this and rushed to their daughter. "Valerie! Breathe! Breathe! Calm down!" Valerie gasped and cried. She fell over onto her side and scratched against the hardwood floor, trying to get back control over her body but it just wasn't working. Her vision begins to blur and blacken and soon lost consciousness.

It had been hours when David was able to stabilize Valerie. He exit the room they had placed her in and walked over to Leena who was in a daze. He crouched in front of her and held her hands and startling her back to reality. David looked to her with a warm smile. "She'll be fine after resting."

Leena numbly gave him a nod. "That's good to hear," she mumbles. She covers her face with her hands and deeply breathes. "I was too hard on her it seems."

"Possibly," David says with a shrug. "Do you care to tell me what happened?"

Leena dropped her hands and looked David straight in the eyes. "She's Sebastian's mate, David." He nodded, clearly already knowing about it. "Yup," Leena says leaning back in her chair with another deep breath. "Sebastian told her. She flat out refused from what I had gathered and they're both..." She sighed in distress. "Yeah...they're both not doing so well and I'm not sure I can do anything about it."

"Well," he started with a chuckle. "That, is, a lot to take in. Especially for Valerie's age. Not only that, her mate is her oldest brother."

"Yeah but come on, Doc," Leena argues. "Sebastian was always fond of Valerie. Even when she was still in the womb."

"But he was like that with Sky too..." David argues with a pulled smile.

"But he was more attached to her. I mean, seriously? The boy wouldn't let anyone near her. Even me! The boy would sleep right beside her crib. At any sound that she makes, he bolts towards her. He wouldn't even let us touch her."

David chuckles remembering when they were just pups. "Yes. I remember. You called me up scolding me instead of scolding Sebastian."

Leena groans and stomps her feet like a child. "I don't know what to do," she whines.

"Then don't do anything," David says with a shrug. He gets up and sits in the chair beside her. He leans back into the chair as Leena does the same. David drapes an arm on the back of her chair and crosses a leg over the other. "You were the same way weren't you? You didn't let anyone know about anything when you and Dante were separated both mind, soul and body. You refused the shift to happen yet pretended, very well if I'm being honest, that nothing had ever happened during those years. We were all worried when we found out what you were doing but you still refused to let anyone help."

Leena looked up to him as he smiled and patted her on the head. "Let them handle it on their own, as you have done with Dante. Eventually they'll come together whether they agree to the rejection or accept their bond. All we have to do is sit here and watch them work it out. I'm sure this is what you've said to both your son and Dante, right?"

She rolls her eyes annoyed. "Fine," she murmurs. "I should go check up on Sebastian though....your poor guest room must be destroyed." She got up and bid David goodbye. David watched as she went with a shake of his head. "It's good to know nothing has changed about you," he says out loud to himself. When he thinks back to the first time they met up to where they are now, he could still feel that small ping of hurt that he still couldn't have her. He took in a deep breath and let it out in a huff. "Oh well..."

For Her Love - Sequel to An Alpha To Claim and LoveWhere stories live. Discover now