Chapter Thirty Four

Start from the beginning

He ripped his sweater off, feeling suffocated. He loosened his tie quickly as he leaned over the sink. He turned the water on, then looked up into the mirror. That was a mistake, as all he saw was something terrible. His brain was whispering to him, awful thoughts. He was a failure. He couldn't be a man. He was evil. He was going to be the reason all his loved ones die. He was a disappointment. He couldn't do anything right. He splashed his face with cold water quickly to clear his thoughts, and to feel something. He began to sob, feeling completely broken down and disheartened. He just wanted to be a kid... He hated Voldemort with every ounce of his being.

"Draco?" Val asked as she walked into the bathroom. He turned to look at her quickly. As he did, Harry came up behind her and grabbed her. He held her tightly as he pointed his wand at Draco.

"I know what you did, Malfoy! You hexed her, didn't you?!" Harry exclaimed, wanting to hear him admit it. Then, he could stop him.

"Get your hands off her!" Draco demanded.

"Everyone calm down..." Val mumbled out, having a feeling this wasn't going to be good. Draco casted a spell at Harry, to which he pushed Val out of the way and deflected it. She fell back into the wall, gripping her head when she did. Harry casted a spell back at Draco, and he jumped out of the way. It shattered the mirrors and busted the faucets, making water begin to flood the room. Harry ran off after Draco, but quickly slid out of the way as he casted another spell at him desperately. Harry stood behind the wall for cover, then knelt down underneath the stalls to look for Draco's feet. Draco had already done the same thing, and casted another spell at him. Harry leaned up out of the way. He heard Draco take off running, so he ran, too, aiming to cut him off. He casted a spell he was ultimately curious about that he'd read in his mysterious Potions textbook.

"Sectumsempra!" He yelled, catching Draco as he ran by. Val had finally stood to her feet, and then she heard that spell. She knew that spell. Her father had taught her it. He'd created it. How did Harry know about it? Either way, it wasn't good. Her brain was frazzled, but she rushed over to Draco. He laid on the ground helplessly, blood flooding from invisible wounds on his body. He gasped for air, feeling the life leave his body. He let out small cries of pain, wincing. Val knelt down next to him quickly, frightened by his state. She wracked her brain for the counter spell, knowing she needed to help him before it was too late. Harry walked up behind her slowly, not believing what he'd done. If he killed Draco, he was no better than him or Voldemort himself. The blood mixed with the water, covering Val as she knelt down next to him. She looked over at Harry quickly.

"Why did you use that spell?! What have you done?!" She yelled at him, and he breathed heavily, not knowing what to say. He was in shock. "Go! Get out!"

He quickly took off running, and she turned her attention to Draco. She began to panic, her head hurting as she tried to remember the counterspell. She knew it, she knew she did. Draco used every ounce of his strength to grab her hand. She held it tightly in her own. Tears began to stream down her face as she thought she was going to lose him. Suddenly, the incantation popped into her brain.

"Vulnera Sanentur... Vulnera Sanentur... Vulnera Sanentur." She chanted softly as she waved her wand over his body, reversing the spell and returning his blood to his body. Severus had passed Harry on the way in. He stood there, watching Val heal him. He was proud of her, but angry this had happened. When she finished healing him, Draco just went unconscious. His body had sustained too much. She followed her father in silence as he carried him to the Hosptial Wing. There, she sat by his bed as Madame Pomfrey tended to him. "Madame Pomfrey, is he going to be alright?"

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