newt- drunk

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I was sitting at the bonfire to celebrate the new greenie's arrival, Thomas.

He seemed like a nice guy, he was a little more curious than the other though, constantly asking questions.

It's understandable though, I mean when you get put into the glade with a bunch of people you don't know with no memory of who you are, your bound to want to know more.

Minho, being the slinthead he is, was running around with no shirt on shouting


Most likely he was drunk from gally's moonshine.

Thomas came over and sat next to me.

" umm... hi I'm thomas" he said.

" yeah I know we met this morning remember?" I said.

" oh...yeah...right" he said " so um the only girl huh?"

"Yup" I answered.

" that must be kind of lonely. I mean you have the guys but I guess it must be hard not being able to talk to another girl" he said.

" a little yeah" I responded.

He yawned and bu an arm around my shoulder. He took a silver of his moonshine.

Shit. Newts gonna kill him.

As if right on queue newt stumbled in with a bottle in his hand spilling some in the process.

" hey greenie, hey love" he said.

" newt I think you should go to bed your like really drunk" I said standing up and taking the drink from him.

" I am not!" He said.

" come on let's get you to bed" I said dragging him away.

Just as we got to the door he stopped me and looked into my eyes.

" you weren't drunk were you" I said.

" nope" he responded.

" jealous newtie?"

" just get in the hut" he said.

I obeyed.

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