Chapter 31

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February was one of those months that just felt like a time placer for spring.

Eden never took a liking to this month. She found it out of place, in the middle of no where.

There were only 29 or 28 days, the only thing she ever celebrated was valentines...  It was a very lonely month.

Though something about this February made it worse than the rest. Something that was unavoidable. Something that made her feel sick to her stomach.

It was the month she needed to dance for him...


Eden was more than prepared, but that didn't matter to her. Sure she was confident in the dance, but that did not mean she was confident enough to stand in front of the person she would eventually end up spending the rest of her life with and dance for his pleasure.

Not only did the thought absolutely disgust her, it made her feel trapped and scared. There was no escape, just like there was no escape from the manor and no escape from Voldemort. She didn't even have her magic so if she were to escape she would be useless and defenceless.

They could have caught her in a matter of seconds.

Her thoughts were no longer on the topic of escaping. She threw that option away a long time ago. She was finally in the acceptance stage.

First it was denial, then anger, depression, and acceptance. It was the final stage and she could feel herself preparing for what her future was going to become.

It was no longer "I would never admit my love to him", but instead, "I'll admit my love to him only because the sooner I do so the sooner I can have some of my freedom back."

She knew she would probably never fully get her magic back because she knew Voldemort would never trust her, even if they were soulmates, husband and wife, parents... He would never, ever trust her because she was stubborn.

Though she was having all these notions in her head, Eden was not planning on giving up just yet. There was something holding her down.

She wanted to know the truth, whether it be from Draco himself or Pansy, or Lucius, or even Voldemort because there was absolutely no way that she stuck with Harry to the end of his life.

Not after the way he was acting in those memories.

So different than she remembered.

Knowing that her memories had been tampered with just made her want to punch a hole in the wall.

The memories would come to her at random times, when she was dancing, when she was eating, even when she was playing with Pansy's little girl down in the living room.

It was just for a moment, a very small moment, but she remembered being heartbroken shortly after she slept with Harry in the memory she just got back.


On a cold February day as Eden practiced in the ballroom alone and in the dark, something came back to her.

She fell to the floor when it hit her, so suddenly that if she did not put her hands out in front of her she probably could have lost a tooth or two.

"How long Harry? How long have you been sleeping with her. W-With Ginny Weasley!"

How could this be... Harry wouldn't do that. Not with his best friends sister.

"7 months."

No. This needed to stop. Now was not the time.

"I hate you Harry! I fucking hate you! Get out! G-Get out!"

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