Chapter 32

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Breathe in...

Breathe out...

You're fine Eden.  Everything is going to be okay.  The faster you get it done the faster you'll be out of there. 

Don't cry. 

You're stronger then that.

Those words repeated over and over again in Eden's head as she paced back and forth in her room, waiting for Malfoy to come and drag her back to the place she dreaded so much.

For days upon days she had no energy to do anything. 

No eating, no drinking, no dancing.  She hadn't even gone outside for a week and the lack of fresh air was starting to get to her. 

She felt so claustrophobic in her own skin.

The door flung open and Draco stepped in without any warning meaning that if she was naked he would have seen everything...

He ran his thumb on his bottom lip out of nervous habit and looked at the nervous girl dressed in the same white dress she was wearing the day that vampire almost took her life.  "You're ready?"

Eden nodded her head and looked back out the window one last time taking in one final deep breath. 

The next thing he knew Eden was standing in front of him awaiting the grasp of his hand around her upper arm to apparate.

For a moment Draco could only stare down at her with his lips pressed into a firm line and his eyes filled with such gravity.  He was confused as to why she was so eager to leave the comfort of her own bedroom.  He could see it in her eyes, they were glossy...  Eden was scared, but she still waited impatiently for their travel.

"I want to get this over with.  The sooner I get out of there the sooner I can comprehend what happened."

If he could hug her he would...

He would tell her everything would be okay.  That he wouldn't let anything happen to her even if she had nothing but the smallest bit of trust in him. 

He would figure something out.

He would and he knew that. 

No matter how loyal he pretended to be to Voldemort, he would never let him lay finger on her bare skin even if that meant he had to risk his own life and safety to do so.

Draco grabbed onto her and as soon as she knew it they were back in the huge room she always came to when she visited.  Up on the throne was Voldemort, as usual, but something new was there with him...

Eden caught a glimpse of her surroundings before she almost fell forward from the loss of balance when her feet hit the ground beneath them.

All these times and she was still unable to handle all of the apparation.

After the war she was as useless as a ropeless skipping rope.

"Be smart."

Eden caught it.

The words came from Malfoy, who had gritted teeth and said it so quietly that only she could have heard it.

She hadn't even realized his arm was around her torso, keeping her from falling flat on her face until he unwrapped it and fixed his jacket.

"Well don't you look lovely today Eden."  Voldemort started, admiring her from a distance.

She looked down at the ground, fearing that if she moved she would crumble into a pile of her own emotions and Eden was certain she would start crying if she opened her mouth to speak to him.

Useless | Draco MalfoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin