Chapter 16

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The air felt so fresh, but she could sense something coming. Something dangerous, something like a...

Out of natural habit Eden turned her head over her shoulder and to her surprise there was someone standing there just walking out from the forest. This was someone she had not met before...

This someone was dangerous.

She did not need to have her powers in order to tell how much dark energy he was radiating.

At this extent, he must have been a murder.


He was a vampire.

"I'll give you a 5 second head start before I come and kill you do you think that's fair?" The man asked.

He looked to be in his late 20's or early 30's though his hair was silver, almost a faint blue looking in the moonlight.


She stood frozen.

What was she to do now. No one was here. She would die here, be left here for a few days before anyone would come looking here.


There was no point in running now. He was taller, stronger, but more importantly faster.

"3... You know for someone with a head start you do not seem very grateful... 4..."

All she could do was step back in fear.


Her arms shot up to protect herself as the vampire sped toward her. He grabbed her wrists as they collapsed onto the snow.

He was overpowering her, though that was just as she expected.

At least now it would not be Eden's fault she was dead.

She was going to be murdered.

If anything this man was doing her a big favour.

Although she did not fear as much now that she was on the brink of death, she found herself trying to struggle, dodging him every time he tried to go for her neck.

She screamed loudly. A scream one could only hear if someone were getting stabbed in the heart.

Without her magic she was defenceless so in a sense the blame would still fall on Malfoy's shoulders and in the end he would be in a grave deal of trouble with Voldemort.

At least two of her wishes would be coming true tonight, freedom and hatred for Draco.

The thought was almost enough to make her smile through her screams of fear.

The vampire punched her across the face, taking her by surprise and out of the shock that ran through her the girl stopped everything she was doing to keep herself safe.

That gave the vampire enough time to get to her neck and sink his teeth in.

Her scream was piercing. So strong it could have shattered glass.


Back at the house they were all distracted by the fireworks which she knew were loud enough to block out her screams of pain completely.

Without them being able to hear her, she knew what her fate was...

The screams slowly became less and less until there was only a small rasp coming out of her.


Was she that desperate that she called out for him?

Eden knew she was going to pass out, the only question now was when.

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