Memory 4

539 12 0

December, 1997

Still not a sign of Draco Malfoy coming to bring Eden her things.

He told her he would find her, but he lied. A whole month had gone by and Eden was 99% certain him and his father burned all her things in a large fire.  Those two never liked her anyway.  It was not that big of a deal.  It was just clothes.  She could get new one's, but with what money...

That was the biggest issue Eden had to face during her month away from the Malfoy's.

The Weasley's allowed her to stay with them for as long as she needed, but they were overly nice.  Eden was thankful for the invitation into their beloved home, but she felt like she was invading her space.

Even if Harry and Hermione stayed there all the time, she did not want to be a bother.

One day in November she had gotten herself a tiny flat.  It was on the second floor of a floral shop and the old lady was so kind that she let Eden rent it out for a few pounds off.  That lady was such an angel.

In the midst of all of this, she failed to realize her money was running low and converting galleons to pounds for the rest of her life was not going to work forever.

So she decided to find a job.

A muggle job.

She was living in a muggle city, in a muggle area with muggle jobs so why not.  She needed the pounds and not galleons anyway.

Hermione joined her on her job hunting.

She suggested a bunch of restaurants, bars...  Basically places that you could make easy money just for being hot and having a nice pair of knockers, but every spot she wanted to apply to got taken by someone else or they'd just downright ignored her because of her age.

Without anything to put on a resume, it was very difficult to find any kind of job willing to take her.  She never went to school here, never did any activities here, hell this was the longest time she'd ever been in London.

One night, both Hermione and Eden sat on the couch of her apartment, listening to music through the radio Eden had in her kitchen when Hermione had the sudden birth of an idea.

"I know you'll hate me for this one, but have you ever considered stripping?  B-Before you get mad at me,  all I'm saying is that you have the perfect body for it, you're already a dancer and now that I am really thinking about it, they make tons of money.  Imagine, you'd probably get hundreds of dollars in tips a night and if I'm doing my math correctly you could probably make more than £1000 every week.  Oh and imagine on a good day.  Maybe a man would give you £500 just for talking with him about neuroscience."

That wasn't a bad idea.

There was nothing wrong with it either.  It was just another form of dancing.

In ballet, you often had to change in front of all kinds of people anyway.  Eden was sure it was like that for every kind of dance.

She had seen more boobs and penis' than she did wild ducks in a pond.

But this was still not right...

"My age Hermione.  I'm not of age.  I'm only 17 they won't hire me-"

"That my friend is why we are witches.  You won't need to worry about it.  Go to an interview and I'll control some things behind the scenes."

"But I told you Mione...  I don't want to cheat my way into a job.  I want to get it for me.  If you do that I will not feel like I earned it you know?"

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