Memory 5

465 9 2

January, 1998

"Happy New Year Harry." 

Eden looked over her shoulder seeing Ginny's hand on her boyfriends shoulder.  His arm was around her, but it seemed as though he was giving more attention to the young Weasley than his actual girlfriend standing right beside him.

"Happy New Year Ginny... Have you seen Hermione?  I must speak with her before I leave."  Eden smiled and spoke before Harry could.

"Leave?  I thought you were spending the night with me?  Is everything alright?" Harry grabbed hold of her hand and squeezed it slightly.

"Everything's fine!  I just think I should leave for the night."

Ginny stepped forward and chimed into the conversation.  "You'll come back in the morning then?  I would love for you to bake with Hermione and I.  We have a recipe picked out, but we could definitely use a third person.  What do you say?"

A tiny bit of jealousy was pricking at her and making her angry...  Jealousy was an odd thing to feel and Eden was not usually the jealous type.  She always thought Harry was one of the most loyal beings on this earth; Would never hurt a fly or talk to another girl, but nowadays she was doubting if anything she ever told herself was true.

"That would be so fun Ginny! I'll come back."

Harry furrowed his brows and yet again chimed in. "But why not just spend the night-"

"Hermione!"  Eden exclaimed and walked away from Harry, his hand slowly sliding off of her as she did so, leaving him there alone with Ginny.  "Hermione!  Let's take a shot.  It'll be fun!  You never drink."

As Fred walked by the two, Eden snagged the two shots in his hands with a swift move.

"Ready?  Go!"

"HEY!  Those were my shots.  For ME!  Eden you literally hate lemon-"

Eden almost gagged at the flavour and pushed the shot glass back into her friends hand.  "Oh that was absolutely sickening...  ANOTHER!"


The night went on like this until 4 am, when Eden was basically hanging off of Arthur Weasley who offered to take her home after her long drunken night.

The thing with Eden was that she was not the greatest at controlling her alcohol intake and what made that even worse was that she was the biggest lightweight anyone could ever meet.  One glass of wine could have got a buzz going and by three glasses she would be blacked out.

The next thing she remembered was getting into her bed after putting on a t-shirt and shorts and knocking herself right out in her warm sheets right as she watched Arthur apparate out of the room and back to the burrow.

Ringing from her alarm was what woke her up the morning after.

Hair messy.

Eyes barely even opening.

Eden's head was killed her and the nauseousness she felt was too much to bear.

Ring after ring after ring-

"Oh my fucking god..."

She swung her arm over and hit the alarm clock onto the floor where it then stopped.  By the light shining through the window, Eden could safely say it was between 8:30 to 9 am in the morning and that was way too early for her.

Easily the girl could have fallen right back to sleep and slept throughout the whole day, but something was telling her not too.  The feeling of lurking eyes.

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