Chapter 8

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Eden held onto the house elves hand as she walked out of the door into the cool air. It smelled so nature like.  It smelled new.  It smelled cold.  It smelled like winter.

Her breathing was under control, but the thoughts were still trying to take over her again. 

"Tissy is to talk with you as you walk."

"I don't want to talk Tissy. I want to walk."

"Master Malfoy orders it. Come look at the flowers."

Throughout the whole hour and a half Eden was outside, Tissy had brought her everywhere. There was flower beds, a graveyard and even stables on the estate, but when asked to take Eden to see the animals kept inside of them Tissy tightened her grip and denied the girls request.

By the time they got back inside the sun was starting to go down, indicating that it might have been somewhere around 5 or 6pm.

Like Tissy said when Eden woke up, she was there to provide food, she was there when Eden showered and she was there whenever her name was called.

It was like that for the next two weeks.

Almost never a sign of Malfoy unless Eden was in desperate need for someone other than a house elf. Tissy could do many things but calm someone down from a panic attack was not one of one of those things.

The panic attacks would happen at night, but they did not happen everyday which she was thankful for.

Spending anymore time with Draco the she had to was annoying on its own.

While she lay in the bed staring up at the painted ceiling as it was the closest thing she had to the stars, her mind would run free and being alone made her feel like she had the right to cry and feel emotional about her problems, but she was never fully alone.

She did not have the faintest idea of how Malfoy knew, but right when it was about to get bad, right when she was about to go overboard and pass out from the lack of air, he would walk through her door always taking her by surprise.

He wasn't much help at all and he was the most horrible person to hand out advice to her because he simply did not care about her and would never understand her situation. Why should he though, they had very different beliefs anyway.

Every night he came would be the same.

"Stop you're going to faint" or "Just breathe.  You're being stupid"

The most he had ever done was hand her a glass of water to try and make her relax, but he wasn't exactly the type of person to calm someone down and he too knew this. Draco always only cared for himself never of others unless it was for Astoria Greengrass, whom near the end Eden could faintly remember had been having problems with him.

After half of the clocktower collapsed onto the small girl, she forgot a few bits and pieces of her childhood, but nothing too serious. Just certain people she never really spoke to and a few birthdays from years ago when she was still with her parents, when she still had no idea she was a wizard.

Eden was mostly surprised that she did not lose all memories after having it fall on her. She must have been stronger than she thought now that she was thinking about it.

For several days, Eden refused to eat once again, but this time she wasn't attempting to starve herself to death. The thought of food entering her system made her want to vomit and even if she did eat anything it would just come right back out.

19 year old with a 73 year old...

That was all she could think about. That was what took over her mind day and night. That was the reality of this situation and everyone knew it. It was just a matter of time before she caved and admitted it to him just to get herself out of this torture.

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