Chapter 4

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"There she is. Eden Abella..."

She didn't even bother turning her head. Just by his all too familiar voice she knew who he was.

That stupid fucking nasty ass voice.

It was the last one she had heard that day in the Hogwarts courtyard and it stuck with her ever since.


"Say hello. Don't be coarse Miss Abella. You're going to find we have a lot of time to spend together."

There came the waterworks once more, running down her cheeks as the men stopped pushing her and walked out of the room, leaving her stuck in there with this monster after shutting the doors.

Eden had no clue what this room was. It was big like the one she was just previously in with that lady, but this one had windows.

It felt almost like an empty cathedral or church for better words and it smelled something like the fresh smell of rain, but that was probably because it was raining outside. What else did she expect?

Again this room was very dim and dark, but when he came into view, she could see him clearly. Say, this was the closest she had ever been to him because even during the battle just those few months ago, Harry would not allow her to go near Voldemort and in the end that rule he set in place saved her life. If she were with Harry she would have been a goner too, but she was beginning to think that's not what the Dark Lord would have wanted anyway.

His reaction to her being wheeled in was not one of anger or annoyance, it was almost as if he was happy to see her or maybe even amused?

"My, you've been keeping yourself very well." Moving his hand to her cheek he caressed it with his knuckles as she looked into his red, devilish eyes. All the emotion drained from her and her face went pale.

Eden had never felt more fearful in her whole life and that was saying something because she literally attended Hogwarts of all places... One of the most chaotic schools around not to mention her soulmate is the 'chosen one' and her friends were Hermione Granger and most of the Weasley family. "How have you done this? Who was helping you?"

Her lips were sealed, she wasn't going to be saying a word especially to him, though she knew she would face consequences in doing so.

It was known that Voldemort was a Legilimens, but little did Eden know how strong he really was. As soon as she dove into her mind, a painfully awful, sharp pain rang through her head creating a massive aching feeling and in turn, she yelped out in pain despite all of her efforts to keep her mouth shut and put on a tough front.

With the little Occlumency practice she received while at Hogwarts, she tried blocking her mind off. Florence was the last thing she wanted him to find out about, but she was already too weak and even if she was at full strength to preform it properly he still would have overpowered her.

"STOP! P-PLEASE STOP!" She screamed as her hands balled into fists, pulling at the restrains holding her down.

Not only was she just crying... No, the poor girl was sobbing now. She was only 19 after all. She wasn't prepared to go up against someone who was, what, in his 70's.

The Dark Lord came back out, holding her arm lightly as he opened his mouth and began to speak of what he saw while in her mind.

"Florence, what a sweet old lady..." Snarling he moved his hand to her cheek and wiped away a tear falling down. "And not to mention Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes? I thought someone of your calibre could have found a place much, much better... I guess I was wrong then hmm?"

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