Memory 22

259 10 6

May, 1998

"Eden...  Eden wake up..."

"Harry?"  Her eyes shot open and she sat up slightly making sure to be careful enough not to wake Draco whose arm was wrapped around her body.

"We need you right now."

For what could they need her for at 5 am?  She furrowed her eyebrows and awaited another answer out of the boy standing in front of her.

"We need you to come fight with us.  We're down by plenty and a night attack on the castle might be able to equal out our sides.  Please...  Fred told me what you told him about your magic.  How you could do it with your hands.  We need yo-"

"She's not going anywhere near that place Potter."  Draco leaned over her and pulled her tighter to his body.  Eyes were icy cold when he looked at Harry and his face was so serious..  If looks could kill...  "I'll go for her."

"You'd attack the castle?"  Harry asked in a completely astonished tone.

"Look at where I'm staying.  If I were on their side I would have burnt this ugly place to the ground already and killed every single one of you.  So yes.  I would attack the bloody castle."

So much attitude for running off of 3 hours of sleep.

Harry walked out of the room saying he'd wait for Draco outside the room, but the screaming and yelling from down the hall was what freaked Eden out.

Her head whipped around to Draco.  The look he was giving was telling her not to go, but the shouting only got louder and louder the more she stared into his eyes.

Eden had to see what was happening.  Whoever it was screaming down the hall was not older.  He cried and cried for the people around him to stop.

"EDEN!"  The boy shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Eden do not... It is not your problem to deal with-"

She ran out of the room and sped down the hall to see who it was that was calling so fearfully for her.

"Colin!  Stop this behaviour!"  Ron shouted at him as he dragged him by his tiny hand toward the staircase.

Colin Burke...

"RONALD!"  Eden shouted and ripped his hand off of the young boy.  "You're handling this completely wrong-"

"He's not cooperating!"  He shouted over her.  "What else am I supposed to do!?"


Draco stuck his head out of the room watching Eden bend down beside Colin and yell at Ron, then he looked toward Harry and walked back into the room to change into something he could fight in.

Ron watched with wide eyes while Eden pulled the young boy to the side and got down onto her knee's to be at eye level with him.

Putting two and two together was not an issue for her.  The fighting, Harry being in such a panic.  They were forcing him to go and fight with them.  That was the problem.  "What's wrong?  Tell me I'll help."

"They're making me fight!  I don't want to go...  Please don't make me go!"

Those words made her heart shatter into a million tiny pieces.  How was she supposed to tell this boy he had no choice...  This was not something she could just shield him from.

"Colin..."  Eden paused looking down at the floor and then back up to him.  "Listen to me Colin.  You're one of the strongest boys I know.  You're brave and courageous.  You can do anything you want.  You are so powerful too!  Do you remember the spells you were showing me the other day in the school room?  You disarmed everyone in there, even me."

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