Chapter 20

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"Please just... Just go Pansy. I'm sorry."

Pansy understood the girl was feeling sad and even if she did not understand why just yet, she would respect her wishes.

If Eden wanted her to leave, she would leave, but she would be back of course. She did not plan on leaving Eden anytime soon, no matter if Draco kicked her out of the house or not.

Without a word Pansy left the room allowing Eden to really let out all of her emotion.

Despite Malfoy repeatedly telling her to rest, Eden stood. She walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

How could she be so stupid?

How could she have forgotten everything that happened with her closest friends.?

At that point she was basically a vegetable.

What memories did she really have if she could not remember such important events in her life such as a solo performance in a ballet show.

"God... God fuck!"

Her hand whipped the glass cup on the counter to the side and it fell straight to the floor, not breaking.

This was not a surprise to Eden, but it left her feeling worse then she already did.

She felt like a child. Like a literal 1 year old.

Everything was 'baby proofed' and she had no access to her powers.

She felt useless, pathetic, out of options...

This feeling had been growing inside of her for months, but every time it broke the surface she had enough control to contain it. But not now. Not anymore.

Eden fell to her knee's and reached for the cup once again.

"Fucking break! Just fucking break!" She chucked it roughly toward the wall hoping for anything, even a scratch.

Again, nothing.

From another person's perspective it would have looked like she was losing her mind, going insane, talking to inanimate objects and maybe that was the case, but she was not yet crazy.

Eden was just hurting.

She was upset.

Her hands were shaking violently as was her entire body. Even the heavy inhales and exhales of air she took in and out were shaky, that is what made them ineffective.

It felt like the weight of the world was collapsing onto her right now and she was trying so desperately to keep it on her shoulders.

"What the fuck!" She smacked her hand so hard against the bathtub that it sent a painfully harsh pinch through her finger, then to her hand and halfway up her arm where it stopped and died off, not getting any further.

With all of her adrenaline rushing through her— all the anger and rage and sadness tied into one emotion— she failed to even realize that she broke her right ring finger.

Eden began to hit her finger repeatedly against the edge of the tub with no goal in mind. She just did it over and over again until she finally began to feel the pain through the rest of her emotions.

Her back flew toward the wall as she slumped down, hiccuping and sobbing like a maniac.

Eden told herself again and again that she was pathetic. That she was no longer a person. That she no longer knew herself. She was just an empty soul living in this body that she used to know and be familiar with.

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