Memory 23

271 12 1

May, 1998

"I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry." His hand caressed her face where he just slapped her. "I didn't mean any of it- I didn't mean anything I said."

"Stop Draco!"

She was already gone, her hand was on her sternum and she was trying to desperately to grab her breath again.

"You fucking- You- You fucking asshole!" Eden threw her hands toward him, pushing his chest hard enough to make him stumble backward. "You made me watch them KILL HIM!"

"He's not dead Eden.  They're not going to kill him-"

"BUT THEY ARE!  Did you see what they were doing to him?!  Oh god I think I'm going to puke."

She was already familiar with the room.  The suite actually.  She turned and ran into the bathroom hovering over the toilet, though nothing was coming up.  She was just being safe...  Didn't want to mess up a room at The Savoy.

"If you'd just listened to me-"

Eden put her hand up between the two and furrowed her eyebrows.  "You're telling me that if I listened I wouldn't have had to see any of that, but imagine how Colin felt!  Imagine how EVERYONE FELT watching them beat that boy!  And don't even get me started on what you said to me.  Was any of what you said true-"

"None of it was true! I didn't mean anything!  I only did it so you'd actually be scared and thought you were going to die.  If you knew I was going to get you out do you think you would have had the same reaction?"

His hand went to her shoulder, but she quickly swatted his hand away from herself.  "Don't touch me!  Don't touch me-  I can't-"

Control yourself Eden holy shit.


She told herself.

But everyone was there.  Luna was there.  Angelina, Lavender...  So many people were there.  You can't ignore that.

That was the first time Eden ever saw Luna crying and crying hard.  She looked so traumatized by what she was seeing unfold before her.

"Stop!"  She pushed his hand away again and looked down at the floor.

One final time Draco tried to get his arm around her and this time she did not push him away, rather lunged forward and wrapped her arms around his body.

She dropped everything.

Everything he said at the castle.

Everything he did at the castle.


In that moment all she wanted was him and as she cut the world off from herself and her emotions, Draco pulled her closer, putting his hand on the back of her head and letting her try to relax and find comfort in his hold.

"I'm sorry Eden.  I'm so sorry."


Eden was tired.

They were both tired.

Especially after all that previously happened.

All the tears she shed, the amount of stress on him to get her out before Voldemort killed her.  It was all so tiring.

Harry would worry about her when he got back and saw that she was not there, but she just physically could not get herself to apparate back to the safe house.

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