Chapter 19

716 19 1

Eden took this quiet moment while staring at him to decide whether or not she should have told him she remembered.

She remembered him giving her the necklace she had on.

What would he have done though...

Probably freak out and yell at her, telling her that she was stupid for ever thinking such a thing happened in her life.

That was what was drawing her not to tell him, but what did she really have to lose? Being yelled at is far better than anything else that happened to her in the past few days. She could handle it even if it did hurt her feelings.

"You gave me this necklace."


It was all in his eyes.

Once Draco's eyes fell and twitched slightly Eden knew she cracked him.

"On my birthday two years ago, you gave me this necklace.  You were the only one who remembered my birthday. You told me it was my mothers and that you thought it would make an exceptional gift. It was at the Greengrass mansion. There was a party and-"

Draco shut her up quickly.

He did not want to hear anything else come from her because if he allowed her to go on, he would have given it all away.

That would cause a huge problem as Eden only had this one memory, not all of their memories together.

Eden would be confused.

She would not know what the hell happened in the past and her cracking the code would result in an even messier mess.

Draco would not let that happen.

She was already too deep into the fake story she created in her head after Snape did what he did, that he could not go and change it now.

"That's quite enough Abella.  I asked what you said not for the whole fucking story."

She turned to her side in order to block him out once again.

Had it only been a dream? 

Did any of that stuff actually happen?

It seemed like he was not fazed by what she said... 

Just annoyed. 

Perhaps it was all a dream. 

Nothing Hermione told her, nothing she did with Harry...  Everything in that dream she just had was a bunch of bullshit.

Her head turned back, looking down at the white sheet on the bed.

Blood was stained on it and not old blood...  New blood.

Eden thought she saw it before she turned over, she just didn't really think about it until right then.

Her eyes trailed over to his hand which was clenching into a fist and holding the black shirt tighter around his wound to hide what he did to himself out in the hallway

That was not enough though.

The moment Eden's eyes went up to Draco's, he looked down at the blood on the sheet.

"I'll tell Tissy to bring you a clean sheet...  My apologies."

"What have you done-"

Before she could finish a familiar face barged into the room unannounced.  "Oh Eden!  I thought you would have died!"  Pansy came running to the other side of the bed and tilted Eden's head up slightly with her index finger.

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