Chapter 59

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The night before tired the girl out and anything anyone said to her was going in one ear and out the other.

Draco and Eden stood in the big room inside of the castle they both knew all to well while Voldemort analyzed her from his throne.

"Eden Abella.  Step forward."

Eden snapped back into the moment as her heart was pounding behind her chest.  It was ringing out in her ears with every pump.

This was a horrible feeling.  The out of body feeling, like she was watching herself from a third person perspective.

"Eden.  Will I need to come over there and grab you myself..."

She blocked the Lord out and stared at him blankly.

What was she to do now?  The girl was frozen in her place.

Now that she remembered everything he did to Colin...  To her friends.  What was stopping him from doing those horrible things to her.

"Go forward." Draco's voice came in stern and harsh, just like it was when she was first brought to his home. "Abella walk."

Eden almost fell forward when his hands collided with her back, but she caught herself before she could.

"There we go... Come forward now. I would like to see how you're doing."  The Dark Lord told her, standing from his seat and walking down the two or so steps in front of him.

I could strangle that stupid man to death.  Fucking ugly piece of-

Her thoughts were interrupted when Voldemort reached his hand out far enough to grab her wrist and pull her closer to him.

"Ah look at you. A little messy today don't you think? Hair not done clothing all wrinkled. I would have expected you to come better looking. What a shame that is... Truly."

Eden almost forgot how scratchy and annoying his voice was. It had been a hot minute since she'd last seen him.

"You're tired too. Why is that? Oh who am I kidding." A smile played onto his lips, pulling the edges far enough back that she could see his teeth. "You're still young. You have the ability to stay up all night..."

Was this his attempt at making small talk? Because if it was it was not working.  It would never work.  Eden would despise him until the day she died.

"Are you going to be difficult or easy today? Will you be admitting the truth? That we're soulmates-"

"Not in a million years."

Her eyes narrowed toward Draco who sighed and put a hand on his forehead after hearing the way she just spoke to the Dark Lord.

So much attitude and disrespect, Draco was surprised that Voldemort had not slit her throat yet, though if he even tried Malfoy would not hesitate to cut his first.

"Can you believe this girl Draco?" Voldemort looked toward the boy as well.

Now it was Draco's turn to have his ass...  "She's had a bad temper recently. Not sure what has gotten into her. I've done everything you have asked of me-"

"Oh no, I do not doubt that you have not followed my orders. You are one of my most loyal fighters. You've stuck by me through all of this. You and your father... But I think another home would be best for her. She's clearly not developed anything but an attitude while with you. Perhaps with the Pucey's? I remember Adrian telling me he did not like her..."

Another home.

No fucking way.

Not on my bloody watch.

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