Chapter 33

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The next day Eden slept in and no one came to wake her up so she just enjoyed it while it lasted. It was not every day she got to sleep in past 8 am.

The feeling was so nice and refreshing.

Being so warm in her sheets and the amount of rest she got made up for all the days she lost.

No longer did she have to worry about a stupid routine for a stupid person who she hated. She was free. Her days would be open once again.

By 2 pm Tissy was in her room to grab her.

The house elf woke her up by tapping on her arm, then her face since she was not waking up by the feeling in her arm.

It took her a few minutes to lazily throw on her clothes and pull her hair back into a ponytail.

Soon she was following Tissy out the door and to the living room where Pansy waited for her.

The first thing she did when she saw her was run over and give her a warm hug.

Pansy's hugs were so meaningful.

They made Eden happier.

Her presence just made the girl happier.

She felt like she knew so much about her, but at the same time Eden knew absolutely nothing aside from all the rumours that were told a school.

Pansy sat with Eden, checking on her baby and showing her the latest Daily Prophet.

Despite the ugly topics discussed in the paper, Eden felt a sense of relief while reading it.

After months of feeling like there was no more world around her, it was good to know that things were still out there. Stores and people. They're lives were not easy, but who's was nowadays.

It reminded her that muggles still had no idea what was happening behind the scenes. They were so oblivious to everything.

Kids still went to school. Adults still went to work. And old people were living out their days happily in retirement.

Eden wished so badly that she would have stayed a muggle and never found out about her magic.

She's been wishing that since the war started, but now that was the only thing she could dream about when she slept at night.

Muggles her age were out partying, travelling even, and she was locked up in this house and though it was beautiful, it got quite boring after a while.

The doors to the room swung open and both Eden and Pansy looked over their shoulders.

"Pansy out."


"Did I stutter? Get out."

"What's the matter with you-"

"Get. OUT." His voice boomed as he watched both the girls flinch where they were sitting.

Oh great...

Alone in a room with a psychotic maniac. Today was totally against Eden. The vibe did not match her happiness.

With Pansy out of the room he locked eyes with Eden, giving her the look that made her shake in terror at what he was going to do next.

"You behaved horribly yesterday... HORRIBLY Abella!"

It all caught her by surprise. The sudden yelling and the violent hand gestures as he spoke.

"Try putting yourself in my shoes. It's not as easy as you would think. Knowing the things he wants to do to me. Knowing that when you leave that room he'll have his hands down my pants, feeling every part of me and telling me it's fine when it's NOT fine-"

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