Chapter 58

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What was one to do after he gets the love of his life back.

Nothing in this situation.

Draco might have gotten Eden back, but that did not change the fact that Voldemort had control over everything regarding her. If he wanted, he could rip the girl out of Draco's care and she would once again be lost because he can't do anything to protect her.

Two nights went by before he could look Eden in her eyes again and up until that point, Pansy was doing everything for her. Bringing her food, taking her on walks, bringing her books...

The only thing Draco did was inform Pansy that Eden was not to return to that god awful room she stayed in before. She was to stay in Draco's while he went to her old one.

It was a late March night.  The cool breeze was just starting to turn warm now that they were reaching Spring.

Draco took that as an opportunity to get out more at night when he knew no one else could catch him sneaking out or follow him.

Usually, he went out for a walk to check up on the horses at the stable.  It was common for vampires to try and break in there at night to take their blood.

There were enchantments up all around the place, but sometimes they would falter if they were weak allowing one in every once and a while.

The boy had always gotten there on time when that was the case, hence why the horses were still alive and breathing.

Draco sat against the wall with his hands clasped together.

Not the ideal place, but it was fine if he could have some alone time...

There were so many things he needed to think about.  So many things that he could not comprehend.

Not only was he upset with himself, he was upset with the world for what they're allowing to happen to Eden.

Everything he looked at seemed to be a representation of Eden and her terrible situation.

Just the other day Draco found a mouse trapped in a bottle.

It reminded him that that was how Eden felt all of the time and that not even his comfort could help her feel better about where she was and what was happening to her.

He wouldn't be surprised if the girl hated him forever, although she said she did not.

It was so easy to say she forgave him, but Draco could sense there was something deeper...

Something Eden was not telling him.

That alone time was almost immediately interrupted by the door sliding open and the soft footsteps of whoever it was that just entered, shuffling through the hay that scattered the floor and right as they turned the corner, Draco's hand shot up thinking it was some kind of animal or even a vampire that was trying to sneak into the stable.

"Christ Eden I thought you were a vampire."  The hand which held his wand lowered and instead of sitting, he leaning against the door of the equipment room.


It could not have been more awkward in that room.  The only sounds were the breathing of the horses and the tree's in the forest blowing back and forth.

It would be best for one of them to state the obvious, but both of them at pits growing in their stomachs making it harder to do so.

"You haven't spoken to me in 3 days now Draco.  What is wrong?  You can tell me it's not like I have anyone to tell-"

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