Chapter 14

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The music ended and Eden had just finished dancing around her room, holding her pillow as if it were a real boy in her arms.

You know, what was stopping her from walking down and getting a better look at the party from up close. Tissy was definitely busy serving people like a good house elf.

There was no magic holding her in there either.

Nothing was stopping her, it was just the mere fear of the consequences she would endure if she were caught out. Malfoy had let it be known, especially today, about his distaste for Eden wandering around the mansion alone, but who cared really. Certainly not her at that point.

The pillow fell out of her arms and her attention was now on the door.

Staring at it.

Just beyond those planks of wood that was the door was a whole party, full of people. Rich people, classy people... The type of people she used to look up to... The type of person she used to be.

"Fuck it."

Eden muttered before opening the door and shutting it closed, leaving the candles in her room lit so that if it did concern Malfoy so much to the point he would walk out and look through the window, he would think she was still in there moping around.

She waited until the coast was clear and set down the stairs into a hallway full of paintings.

Thankfully, they were not the ones that moves or spoke, they were just normal, simple, paintings of beautiful art ranging from flowers to nature to...


Still beautiful.

Eden found an open door, following the sound of the music while also trying to hide herself and make sure she did not accidentally enter the party.

Yes, she came down to investigate, but not because she wanted to attend. She wanted to watch from a distance. From behind a...

A curtain!

There it was, her opportunity to peer in on freedom and luxury.

She carefully made her way to the curtain inside of the ballroom, shutting the door behind her.

It seemed that this space was used to store old furniture or things that were usually in the ballroom on any other day. There was still a lot of space though. The curtain went into a U shape around the room, stopping at the wall the door was on on each side.

Where could she look in from. Looking in from the middle would cause too much attention to herself.

The curtain was velvet red and she was pale white.

That would not work.

What was an alternative?

Looking around, there was not much she could think up until she spotted a pillar a few metres away from where she stood.

There we go.

That will work, hopefully.

Eden leaned against the pillar, peering in through the the small crack between the pillar and the curtain and she slowly wrapped her fingers around the fabric, pulling it slightly more open so that she was able to look in with not one eye, but two.

Her face lit up; A small smile on her lips, when she saw everyone, everything...

Women and men danced together on the dance floor, teenage girls waited on the edges of the dance floor to be asked by teenage boys.

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