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 Luke sat on the farside of the fire, sobble curled up fast asleep on his lap as the night sky loomed overhead. It was hard to see without the firelight, there was no moon tonight but even then he didn't need light to see what laid on the opposite side of the fire. The vast white pokemon laid on the ground its head partly curled around the side of the fire as the pokemon's bright blue eyes stared at him. Kayden leaned against the legends side, her back pressed firmly against the pokemon's warm body as its wings were tucked up against its side. A soft snort escaped the white pokemon as it eyed the fire, the silence was uncomfortable for them all.

"So..." Luke started as Kayden glanced up at him. Small flames came from salandit's back where it laid beside the fire with sizzlipede. Another buzz escaped rotom as it settled back into Luke's phone as he continued to spin the device in his hand as he thought.

"So... yeah..." Kayden responded as she started fiddling with the hem of her sweatshirt. "I should have told you sooner." Kayden mumbled loud enough for him to hear on the other side of the fire.

"Might have been helpful." Luke admitted. "So is there a specific reason... that they are hunting you?" Luke asked as he watched the teen across from him as she continued to mess with her sweatshirt.

"To get to my dad." Kayden said after a minute. "He's the champion of Kalos. He says they want to overthrow the champion and the elite four." Kayden stated as Luke thought for a few moments.

"Why come here? Why come to Galar?"

"My dad thought it would be safer than in Kalos." Kayden mumbled as Luke glanced at the bright yellow grass that rose up all around them.

"I get it... I get why you didn't say anything... but don't you think it was important to say something."

"They aren't supposed to be here. I don't even know how they knew I was here, which is why I didn't say anything. I'm sorry..." Kayden said as Luke remained silent. "If you don't want to travel with me I get it. I really do, I didn't tell you everything that you needed to know. I'm sorry..."

"How about we start from the beginning?" Luke asked as Kayden gazed up at him for a moment before nodding and taking a deep breath.

"Alright... They are called Team Void. From what my father has gathered is that they are extremists from Team Plasma who went rogue after the fall of their leaders. Instead of trying to separate humans and pokemon they are just trying to take over by eliminating the heads of each region. Aka...

"The Elite four and the champion." Luke muttered loud enough for Kayden to hear and she nodded with the statement.

"They have destroyed Aether paradise in Alola, and they nearly killed the champion Moon on multiple occasions. Now they are focusing on the Kalos Elite four and my father. My uncle, the dark type master one of the elite four, has been able to hold them at bay for the most part while my father helps out Alola where he can. But then Team Void started focusing on family. They targeted my Uncle's wife and his newborn, she fled Kalos to where I don't know. My father didn't know what to do, so he decided to send me away to a place he thought was safe." Kayden admitted.

"So they are searching for you and now... me." Luke mumbled as Kayden looked away. The soft hum of the legend brought Kayden back as he relaxed into the fire type's side as the pokemon maneuvered its wings out and partly around the teen.

"This wasn't supposed to happen. I don't know how they knew where I went.... I'm sorry, if you don't want to travel with me, I understand." Kayden sighed.

"Well..." Luke stopped as he thought for a few moments. "I guess we better get training." Luke stated as Kayden gazed up at him.


"If we are being hunted then we better start training. I mean we gotta get going right?" Luke asked as Kayden perked up a smile spreading across her features. Sitting forward salandit mumbled from its spot as sizzlipede blinked its eyes open stretching.

"So tomorrow we are challenging Turffield. Are we ready for that?" Kayden asked.

"I mean... maybe we need more pokemon." Luke stated as Kayden nodded.

"Are there any in this grass?"

"Grab an empty pokeball." Luke said as Kayden gave him a questionable look before pulling one from her belt. "Throw it." Luke gestured towards the tall grass. Kayden glanced at him for a moment before tossing the ball into the grass.

"What was the point of that?" Kayden asked as Luke held up his hand to wait. There was a small rustle coming from the grass as they swayed with movement. A small grunt came from the yellow grass as the pokeball came rolling out. Luke smiled at her before gesturing for her to go get the ball. Kayden picked up the ball and glanced back at the tall grass before lightly tossing it in. The grass shifted again this time going in the direction she had thrown the ball.

"What is it?" A small bark came from the grass as it bent out of the way as a little yellow, brown, and white pokemon leapt out. The pokemon's slight zigzag tail wiggled as it dropped the pokeball in its mouth and panted looking up at Kayden.

"It's so cute!" Kayden cried as she fell to her knees and the pokemon leapt up into her arms rubbing the yellow fur around its neck against her. Electricity sparked from the pokemon's fur as Kayden yelped from the current that came off the little pokemon.

"Ow!" Kayden yelled as Luke blurted out a laugh.

"It's an electric type, its name is yamper."

"Yamper..." Kayden whispered before looking at the puppy pokemon whose tail was wagging super fast. "Would you like to come with us yamper?" A bark escaped yamper as Kayden grabbed the discarded pokeball before lightly tapping it on the head. The red light engulfed yamper as it disappeared into the pokeball and shook three times.

"Are you certain?" Kayden asked as she glanced at Luke who hesitated for a moment.

"Yeah, I'm just not going to leave you alone. The champion asked me to help you, and I mean at this point we are in this together." Luke smiled as Kayden grinned back before releasing yamper.

"Salandit, rookidee come meet our new friend." Kayden said as the fire type rushed over getting inches from yampers face, flames coming from the pokemon's back. A small snarl escaped salandit as yamper licked the toxic lizard pokemon under the chin as the two pokemon practically screeched. Yamper started scrapping its tongue on the ground as salandit rushed head first into the fire pit, trying to clean itself with the flames. Luke burst out laughing as reshiram gave a small coo and raised her head up towards the teens. Kayden couldn't hide her giggle.  

A Girl and Her Dragon: Blazing HeartOn HiatusDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora