Skirmish Approach

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Juliette huffed as she led the assault team into Glimwood tangle, the pokemon seem to have scattered since the destruction of their nests. Her head was spiraling, she just needed to find this kid and get this shit over with. The faster that Cadel got the girl, the faster they could all go home and try to get back to a semi-normal life. What was going to be normal after all this? A world of chaos, controlled by Cadel. Juliette groaned at the thought, she didn't want to think like that.

Cadel was a good guy when she met him, he was so lost. She had gone out of her way many times to help him in his quest for retribution for his family's murders. She couldn't blame him at the time, she would have done something similar but now...

She looked out at the group of Team Void members as they moved carefully from the forest, the glowing mushrooms illuminating their path. The hum of the vehicles sounded in the cavern system that seemed to encompass this entire forest. How it worked she didn't really know but she wasn't about to question it. Weavile glanced up at her, a bit of concern on the pokemon's face as it watched its trainer for a few moments.

She couldn't back out now, she couldn't back down and make a run for it. No matter what her head told her to do. She would end up like Lucien if she did that, and the thought of the blood staining her skin filled her head. She could try to run but then what would happen to those under her. She couldn't leave them alone. Juliette groaned as weavile batted at her leg, getting her attention.

"Hush." Juliette whispered as the dark type shifted back and forth on its feet. It was the chatter of the other members that seemed to get her attention, their own pokemon moved silently at their sides. Juliette huffed before rubbing the head of the sharp claw pokemon head ruffling its red fur.

"Sorry..." Juliette mumbled before turning her attention fully to those around her. "Let's get this done super fast! Find the champion's daughter and then we can call it a night."

There was a faint hiss that seemed to come from the undergrowth, a small flicker of flame catching the admin's attention.

"Check that out!" Juliette ordered from where she stood out of the top of the vehicle's open sun roof. Two of the members hesitated before turning and disappearing from her sight, she didn't like it but there was little she could do. Another flicker of red caught her attention on the other side of the clearing. Wait, what?

"Miss?" A grunt asked that was close enough for her to hear. Everyone's eyes flickered to her, she was their leader.

"Keep your eyes peeled, it might be the pokemon of the forest. Nothing m-" She yelped as something crashed into her, mud covering her face.

"What was that!" Someone yelled as weavile jumped into action leaping up on top of the vehicle trying to see what attacked its trainer. Juliette finally able to get the mud out of her eyes, was on her feet in moments calling out crobat and banette. The bat pokemon took to the air quickly searching the area around them as best it could but with the thick brush she knew it was going to be hard. Banette loomed close to her as she ran her fingers over the mega bracelet, tempted to hit it but she would have to wait for an actual fight.

The glowing mushrooms started to flicker and turn off, how was that possible. The entire cave falling into a darkness that would rival that of a cave system. The members almost all shouted as the vehicles came to a halt and everyone started to call out their fire types.

"Everyone rem-" Juliette stopped mid word a flash of fire rising up from the undergrowth. A salazzle's eyes glowing like embers as the blaze rushes down the pokemon's back, flames dance in the toxic pokemon mouth. "What the fuck?"

Pinks and purples glow from around the brush, over taking the glow that the mushrooms had earlier. It's almost eye burning as Juliette's weavile hisses and jumps to the ground, awaiting a command.

"Weavile, night slash that Salazzle." Weavile nods before the shadow over takes its claws but it doesn't even get a step before it's thrown to the side, skidding along the mossy ground. Flames kick at the dirt before the flame wheel spins again, slamming into another nearby pokemon. The rapid pounding of hooves sounded the glow growing brighter as the sight of the galarian ponyta came out of the foliage.

"Crobat, poi-" She couldn't even get the words out before a flygon slammed full force into the bat pokemon sending it crashing to the ground. Electricity sparked along the ground in front of the small psychic pokemon stopping her people and pokemon from attacking. A heliolisk charged out of the bushes a surge of energy surrounding it as the thunderbolt slammed into the further vehicle getting to to spark and sputter. As quickly as the pokemon had come, it disappeared back into the undergrowth.

"Ban-" A cry came from her ghost type as it went to help the fallen flying type. A mightyena's teeth clamped down on the marionette pokemon getting it to scream before being thrown into weavile trying to get back to its feet. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. Cadel was going to...

"Flame charge." A voice ordered from behind her as talonflame slammed full speed into the mightyena sending it skidding sideways but not knocking it over. "No you stupid thing, upwards." The scorching pokemon glanced at its trainer as Cadel strode forward more grunts at his back. "Light the place up." He snapped.

"Sir, you want to set the place on fire?" Juliette asked but only got a glare. Why was he here, did he follow them?

"It seems you failed already, get back to base but make sure your grunts get the place nice and warm." Cadel ordered. Juliette froze, fires sparking along the ground and quickly catching something to spring to life on. She wanted to say something to speak against him but if she did, she didn't want to think of the outcome.

"Do as you're told." Juliette ordered before recalling her pokemon and retreating after her leader. 

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