Fowl Hunt

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"Hurry!" Luke shouted. The two trainers sort of sprinted around the pond, their feet sinking a bit into the sticky mud. "I told you this was no place to try to train!" Luke yelled over his shoulder at Kayden.

"Shut up!" Kayden yelled back as a bruised and battered newly evolved corvisquire fluttered above her head. Yamper was held tight in her arms as the electric type panted heavily, exhaustion radiating off of him. "Corvisquire, get rid of it!" Kayden ordered as the flying type glanced at its trainer. A loud cry echoed behind them, the wild duck pokemon charged after them swinging its large leek like a blade. The brown and white pokemon practically roared as it spun, the massive leek taking out a small tree.

"Never mind! NEVERMIND!" Kayden screamed as the blue and black pokemon flew ahead.

"Don't look back." Luke called. His foot sinking deep into the mud, up to his knee. "Bullocks..." Luke hissed before realizing where Kayden was running. "Kayden, stop!" Unfortunately, Kayden sank down to her thighs as yamper cried from her arms and salandit shifted on her shoulder.

"Well... shit." The huffing of the fighting type came, as it walked over top the mud and water. "Wait, farfetch'd! Wait!" A low noise came from the duck pokemon as it finally caught up and raised the leek once again. A booming roar echoed from the sky as the fighting type lowered its weapon as the vast white pokemon hovered above the two trainers. Flames rolled from the legends jaws, before they engulfed the wild duck pokemon.

"We are okay, reshiram." Kayden called to the legend. The flames ceased, smoke filtering from its nostrils before lowering itself closer to the trainers allowing them to grab a hold of Reshiram's feet. With a hard flap of the vast white pokemon's wings the two humans were pulled free from the mud. Setting the two down on a patch of grass the vast white pokemon took back off disappearing into the clouds above.

A small cry came from the direction of farfetch'd as it whined, and poked at its burnt leek.

"What's wrong with it?" Kayden asked.

"Galarian farfetch'd use their leek as a weapon, it's their pride and joy." Luke said as he pushed himself to ease. "Well ready." Kayden cast another glance at the farfetch'd as it whimpered, touching the destroyed leek.

"I think... I think we gotta help it find another leek." Kayden said as she got up ignoring the mud on her legs.

"Kayden, I don't know where leeks grow. Do you?"

"No but we have to try." She trudged as close as she could get to farfetch'd without sinking into the mud. The fighting type didn't pay her any mind as it slowly picked up the burnt leek.

"We can help you find a new one." Kayden muttered as the farfetch'd looked up at her, tears in its eyes. Luke was messing around on his phone as rotom fluttered around his head.

"So we either have to get super lucky in the wild area or steal one from another farfetch'd."

"I feel like picking a fight with another farfetch'd is a bad idea." Kayden responded. "Can you call a flying taxi?" Luke nodded and went to the app.

"On its way." Farfetch'd growled as Kayden reached her hand out towards it. She slowly pulled her hand back as yamper snarled back in return, electricity sparking a bit from its neck shocking Kayden.

"Yamper." She hissed at the electric type as it settled after a few moments. Grabbing two pokeballs from her side, Kayden recalled corvisquire and salandit. She knew the two needed a rest after all the training they had been doing today.

"Far... fetch'd..." Farfetch'd stated as a corviknight taxi flew overhead. The pokemon lowered the carriage to the ground as the taxi man slid down from the pokemon's back.

"You needed a ride." The Man said, fixing the goggles over his eyes.

"Yes, to the wild area." Luke informed as the man nodded, opening the carriage door. Kayden looked at farfetch'd and she offered her hand again only to have the pokemon knock it away. A growl escaped yamper as it bared its teeth, a loud yowl came from the puppy pokemon.

"Yamper, enough." Kayden ordered as the electric type grumbled but settled. Farfetch'd jumped into the carriage as Luke and Kayden followed, slamming the door shut behind them. Yamper kept growling at farfetch'd but the pokemon just kept turning away from the puppy pokemon making it even more irritated.

"What's wrong with him?" Luke asked. Yamper started wiggling in Kayden's arms trying to escape and attack the farfetch'd.

"He just doesn't like farfetch'd."

"He's cheesed off about something. I'm guessing it's how it's treating you." Yamper barked as it finally got free from Kayden's arms. It's teeth sank into the duck pokemons right wing as it gave a loud cry and tried to knock the electric type off. Another growl came from Yamper but Kayden grabbed him before he got the chance to attack again.

"I said, enough!" Kayden snapped as Yamper finally settled.

"You alright down there?" The corviknight rider asked through the speaker system.

"We are fine." Luke called back.

"If you say so. We are almost there." Luke glanced out the window, the wild area came into view. Kayden tightened her grip on yamper as the puppy pokemon kept snarling, and farfetch'd pushed himself further into the corner.

"Yamper knock this off." Kayden spat.

"Why don't you put him in his pokeball?" Luke asked.

"I thought he could help us find the leek, especially with his smelling." Kayden admitted as Luke agreed. The carriage rattled once it landed and the rider jumped down from the pokemon's back, opening the door. Farfetch'd was the first one out, practically flying past the corviknight driver.

"Wait for us." Luke said as he clambered out of the taxi with Kayden on his heels. Setting yamper down, the electric type gave a huff before looking up at its trainer waiting for a command.

"Yamper, help us find a leek."

"You too rotom." Luke stated as the plasma pokemon zipped past his head disappearing into the brush. Luke felt a pokeball on his belt shake before snapping open as dreepy came out, a happy cry escaping the ghost type. "Dreepy? How did you?" Luke asked as dreepy started floating forward after rotom.

"Dreepy!" Kayden blurted as the ghost disappeared.

"Are you kidding me." Luke groaned. Yamper sniffed at the ground before trotting after the two other pokemon.

"Let's just follow them." Kayden stated before pushing Luke into the brush.

"Alright..." Luke mumbled. Kayden pushed him further with a smile on her face, as she laughed.

"Fetch'd." Farfetch'd sprinted past them, his wings flapping.

"Kayden the vegetation is too thick, we won't be able to get through. Here," Luke released his pokemon, "drizzile, sizzlipede go help them." Luke ordered. Kayden called out salandit and corvisquire telling the two to go help out. The pokemon disappeared into the undergrowth, and from sight as the two trainers backed up away from the brush.

"Luke, Kayden!" A voice called. The sound of beating wings followed afterwards, and a flash of fire filled the air. Charizard swooped low before landing, allowing Leon off the fire types back.

"Hey Leon." Kayden beamed.

"How is your journey going?" Leon asked as charizard hummed behind his trainer.

"It's going well, our pokemon are dealing with something right now." Leon raised an eyebrow.

"Without you?"

"They'll be fine." Luke responded. Leon glanced at charizard, gesturing towards the flame pokemon. The fire type flew into the air, following the direction the other pokemon had gone.

"They'll be back soon enough." Leon reassured.


Hope you guys enjoy this. I wanted to do a chapter with just the pokemon and I thought it would be fun to bring in Galarian forms. 

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