Phantom Appearance

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Bea sprinted down the gym's halls, her bare feet hitting the ground with thuds, before she grabbed for another pokeball at her waist. Sweat beaded down the gym leader's face, as she huffed and puffed her exhaustion trying to over take her. Spinning she tossed the pokeball behind her as grapploct came out, its dark blue tentacles blocking the path between its trainer and the attackers.

A weavile raced forward ice covering its claws, a cry escaping the dark type.

"Liquidation!" Bea ordered as the fighting type sprayed the water, striking the weavile sending it skidding backwards. Juliette gave off a low growl as she grabbed for another pokeball at her side calling out another partner. Scrafty landed on the ground with a thud as the hoodlum pokemon sent a glare at the tantrum pokemon.

"Zen headbutt." Juliette ordered as the scrafty leapt forward striking grapploct in the chest, throwing it back at its trainers feet. Bea recalled the fighting type before bolting again, her team was weakened already from her exhibition match. The arena doors came into view and she smashed through them, having the doors slam closed. Her breath was coming in harder and harder, a loud bang coming from behind her.

"Slash!" The admin's voice called as the sharp claw pokemon darted forward catching the gym leader's leg. Bea stumbled, blood dripping from the claw marks that ran from her shin to the back of her calf of her right leg. Her legs couldn't carry her anymore as they gave under the gym leader, and she looked up at the weavile that loomed above her. Shadow covered the dark type's claws, as its trainer approached and Bea grabbed for another pokeball.

"Help me out of this." Bea called as hawlucha landed on the ground, it was battered and bruised but still standing. A low noise escaped hawlucha as weavile dashed forward slamming its claws into wrestling pokemon but it held its ground.


"Poison jab." Bea ordered. Hawlucha leapt to the side, before slamming his fist into scrafty sending the hoodlum scraping against the ground.

"Ice punch."

"Flying press!" Bea screamed as her hands went to her injured right leg. She tried to stop the blood but there was only so much she could do before trying to get back to her feet. Weavile sailed into the ground, ice still on its claws as hawlucha pinned the sharp claw pokemon under its foot.

"Zen headbutt!" Juliette screamed as the gym leader staggered to her feet and started running again. She needed to get out of the gym, she needed to get help. Ignoring the blood and pain that dripped down on the bouncy mat under her, she tore her way across the arena. A flash of black darted in front of her as weavile skidded to a stop blocking the gym leader's path out.

"Where do you think you're going?" Juliette called as her scrafty stood over the fainted hawlucha. Recalling the fighting type, Bea stepped backwards a low growl escaping the pokemon beside her.

"What do you want?"

"I have my orders." Juliette answered. "Night slash." Juliette smiled as the shadow cloaked weavile's claws.

"Fire punch." A soft voice called as a dusknoir slammed its hand into weavile sending the ice type sailing backwards into the closest wall. The gripper pokemon hovered behind Bea as the gym shifted to something cold, and the lights flickered.

"Get up weavile!" Juliette screamed.

"Heat wave." A chandelure appeared from the shadows. Fire spun around its body, before it sent the flames slamming into the dark type and knocking it out.

"It's quite rude to fight without your opponent having their pokemon healed." The voice stated as a figure in a ghost type uniform stepped out of the shadows. The skull mask glowed in the faint light coming from chandelure as the ghost type pokemon hovered closer to its trainer. The glowing eyes of a gengar swirled in the shadows behind him, and the young man's eyes gleamed a deep purple through the mask.

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