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"What the hell do you mean to bring me home?" Kayden blurted as Raihan leaned down to look at the injured flygon. Luke shuffled on his feet a bit uncertain of what to do in this situation. Bisharp loomed behind its trainer, waiting for a command.

"Your father wants you home." Jack replied.

"We can't go back." Kayden stated as boltund pressed himself closer to her side, and gave off a small huff.

"Kayden, this isn't up for discussion."

"Why not! I mean sure we have mishaps here and there but for the most part we are doing good." Kayden pointed out as drakloak loomed around Luke's shoulders. The small dreepy on its head gave off a yawn before curling up on its head, promptly falling asleep.


"It's not fair, I'm happy here. I've made a friend and I'm finally going on a journey." Kayden gestured towards Luke who gave a small wave.

"Kayden, this isn't my decision and it isn't yours. Team Void has made a base here in Galar for you, you aren't safe here anymore."

"Like I'm going to be safer at home? Like I'm not going to be locked in a room again, unable to do anything." Kayden shouted, getting boltund to give off a growl. Zoroark gave a snarl in return as the dark type put itself between the dog pokemon and its trainer. Sparks crackled along the electric type's body as salandit gave a small cry from its trainer's shoulder.

"Kayden." Jack pinched the bridge of his nose, "I'm just doing as I'm told. Your father wants you home, you are going to go stay with your grandfather."

"And if I refuse." Kayden stated.

"Then you will be forced." Jack snapped back. He puffed a breath, he didn't really want to get into a fight about this. "I... Look, this is getting to the point where we want you closer. It's getting far too dangerous for you to be out on your own."

"She's not on her own." Luke stated as he walked up beside Kayden. "I'm with her and she's got her partners." Drakloak gave off a small noise partly wrapping his tail around the two trainers.

"I get you have all this," Jack gestured to the pokemon, "but this isn't enough to stay here. You'd practically need an army at your back."

"That's a little drastic isn't it." Raihan said as he pulled out an ice heal spraying the flygon's wing. "I mean I get why you're all acting a little bonkers, but don't you think you're being a bit of an arse." The flygon gave off a cry, nuzzling its head into Raihan once its wing was free of the ice. Digging out a potion, the gym leader finished tending to the dragon.

"This is no concern of yours." Jack stated as Raihan gave a chuckle.

"Actually it is. I run this part of the wild area, I get your all powerful and all but come on. They seem to be fine on their own."

"At what point do they seem fine, the fact that Kayden was already in a net or that they were almost out of pokemon if that... dragon didn't evolve." Jack snapped back as Luke gave a small tug on Kayden's wrist pulling her backwards. Kayden followed her friend's lead, and they started to back up before running into something. Kayden gave a small look over her shoulder as bisharp stared down at the trainers, the steel types arms crossed.

"Hey bisharp." Kayden gave a half hearted smile. "How are you?" The pokemon gave off a grunt, before gently pushing the two teenagers forward.

"See now, you're just speaking rubbish." Raihan laughed as Jack rolled his eyes at the other.

"Not rubbish, look I just need her and then we'll take off. Just let me take her."

"No." Raihan crossed his arms.

"Are you seriously doing this? I thought we agreed on you helping me." Jack snapped.

"I agreed to help find them, I didn't know about you wanting to take her. Look, you have your job, and I have mine. Ours just happen to conflict." Raihan responded.

"Leon gave you those orders directly from Ryder. Ryder's new orders should override Leon's."


"My god you are a stubborn man." Jack hissed as zoroark came trotting back and made a small noise. "What do you mean by that?" Jack asked the dark type, as it gave a huff. The grounded flygon gave off a small hiss as it raised itself onto its back legs, getting a sniff of the air. A roar of vehicles came from behind them, the sounds of tires crunching on sand filling the area.

"You two might want to go." Raihan stated, before recalling his own flygon and releasing duraludon. The flygon gave a low growl before moving behind Luke and Kayden, pressing its neck to the back of their legs forcing them to either fall or get on. Scrambling for their pokeballs, the two trainers recalled their pokemon.

"Get them out of here." Jack told the flygon as the dragon's wings opened fully and it soared up into the air.

"Shit!" Luke yelled as he dove for the dragon's horns, and Kayden's arms wrapped around his midsection. Jack gave Raihan a small look before recalling the second zoroark and releasing a sceptile. The grass type gave a low snarl, the mega stone on its shoulder glittered in the sunlight.

"Oh didn't know you had a grass type." Raihan laughed.

"Let's just get this over with." Jack stated as five vehicles came tearing across the sand towards them. Rubbing his finger over his ring, he triggered the key stone. "Sceptile, let's wrap this up fast. Mega Evolve." The blades on the grass type's forearms grew longer and became ridgid, another set of spikes came from its shoulder. Its tail grew longer in the glow, as more orbs covered the forest pokemon's back. The mega evolution symbol flared above the grass type, before the glowing finally died down.

"So that's mega evolution. I've only ever seen it when fighting these guys." Raihan admitted as Jack chuckled.

"It's a Kalos thing..." Jack admitted. "Leaf storm." Jack ordered as sceptile spun his tail facing their opponents, before the appendage fired off sailing into the closest vehicle. "Do you think they'll be okay?"

"They'll be fine, don't worry." Raihan grinned. 


Here is the next chapter!

A Girl and Her Dragon: Blazing HeartOn HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now