Downward Mine

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"I hate this!" Kayden growled as she picked herself up from another tumble, as salandit cocked her head watching her trainer. Fire filled her mouth lighting some of the cave around them, as Luke tried to fish out his torch. "Please tell me you have it." Kayden mumbled as she glanced in the direction of the other trainer.

"I don't get why the lights aren't on." Luke said as he looked up at the lights that were dug into the wall. A soft clicking noise filled the cave but Luke paid it no mind as he finally hit the cold metal of the handle. Yanking the torch out, he flicked it on somewhat dissatisfied with the lack of light it actually provided. Kayden grabbed salandit holding her up and providing a bit more light. Rotom hung close to Luke's side as they started walking deeper into the mine.

"Do you think they aren't on because not a lot of people are traveling right now?" Kayden questioned as Luke shrugged.

"Perhaps, but I don't get why the workers wouldn't want them on." Luke admitted as the sound of wheels echoed closer and closer a faint light filling the tunnel a head.

"Carkol." Luke smiled as he started to pick up his pace as Kayden hurried after. The glowing red grew brighter as they moved into a more open area of the mine. Rails rushed deeper into the mine, many turning down different tunnels as pokemon dropped cart full after cart full of coal.

"He's so cool." Kayden said as she started forward. The carkol looked at them small traces of fire escaping its soot colored body. The pokemon gave a hum as Luke rubbed its warm head as it emptied the rest of the coal on the pile.

"So do we follow the rails?" Kayden asked. Luke turned to speak to her before stopping, and flashing the torch past her into the darkness behind her. Kayden spun looking towards the direction of the light noticing two people in black attire approaching them. The woman's hair was a bright gold it looked almost fake, her frame slender and the black clothes seemed to almost hang off of her. On her black long sleeve shirt was a series of lines twirling around each other to make almost like the top of a spiral. A man walked beside her, his short dark purple hair made his blue eyes pop against the dark. His athletic build as he grabbed for a pokeball from his side, fiddling with it. His symbol matched the girls as he almost grinned at them, as an uncomfortable feeling went over the two trainers.

Kayden took a step backwards before casting a glance over at Luke as he stepped forward coming to her side.

"Can I help you?" Luke questioned as rotom zipped up to his trainers shoulder, a small crackling noise escaping the electric type.

"Nah, nothing to do with you. But," The man said glancing at Kayden as salandit snarled behind the flames in her mouth, "we'd like to speak to your friend." Kayden grabbed Luke's forearm as she took another step backwards pulling him with a bit.

"Why?" Luke asked as he let Kayden pull him backwards a bit more.

"What's it matter to you?" The woman snapped as she clicked her pokeball releasing her pokemon in a red stream of light. An inkay floated off the ground as the dark type spun its blue tentacles settled after a minute, the lights on its head glowing a bit in the darkness. The man released his pokemon as the houndour snorted sending small spurts of flame from its nostrils.

"Kol." Carkol called behind them, Kayden didn't need another moment before climbing into the pokemon cart.

"Inkay wrap!" The woman shouted. Inkay launched forward and salandit spun, sending embers forward striking the revolving pokemon. A small cry escaped the pokemon causing it to stop trying to get the fire out of its eyes. Kayden grabbed salandit pulling the fire type to her chest as houndour charged.

"Rotom, thunder shock." Luke ordered as rotom let the sparks fly, causing the dark type to jump out of the way. Kayden snagged Luke's arm as Carkol started moving, as he tried to get in. Pulling his legs up, he braced himself on the side of the pokemon as they headed down the rails.

"Luke, it's coming." Kayden said as she held tight to his right arm, keeping him steady on the side. The huffing of the houndours' breath sounded down the tunnel walls as the fire type raced after them, inkay floating after. Salandit clambered up on her trainers head as she sent out more embers over Luke as the two chasing pokemon dodged the attacks. "Get in here." Kayden yelled as she started pulling on Luke's wrist as he started to climb up over the carkol's side and into the bin.

"Rotom!" Luke called as the plasma pokemon sent a surge of electricity striking the inkay as a yelp came from the pokemon as it fell to the ground. Houndour huffed as flames formed in his mouth, as his speed picked up. The dark type nipped at carkol's wheels as the pokemon tried to speed up but there was only so fast he could go. Kayden glanced back as the houndour snarled its teeth sunk into carkol's back left wheel. The pokemon swerved leaping off the track and down to a different tunnel. Houndour raced afterwards, its trainers following as Kayden wrapped her arms around Luke as the pokemon landed on a new set of rails.

"Thunder fang." Houndour charged forward electricity sparking from its mouth.

"Mud slap." Kayden yelled as salandit leapt into the air sending mud into the dark pokemon's face. Luke caught the poison type as it came falling back down towards the tracks, houndour shook its head getting the mud out of its eyes. A snarl came from houndour before he started rushing after the coal pokemon. Carkol opened its mouth, fire lighting its way as it continued going down the tunnel. Houndour charged forward, his dark fur mixed with splotches of mud as carkol jerked down another tunnel. The walls around them fell away, as the shining sun blinded them for a few moments. A screeching sound came from carkol as the black pokemon lurched backwards throwing the two trainers from the bin. Houndour rushed past the coal pokemon as electricity sparked from its jaws as Luke scrambled for one of his pokeballs.

The two people in black, were huffing and puffing as they sprinted out of the tunnel to catch up with the dark pokemon. Kayden grabbed salandit from where the poison type fell, as she scrambled to her feet preparing to run. A flash of red glowed in the direction she was planning to go as murkrow formed between her and her escape.

"No more running!" The man growled, his houndour growling with him.

"Luke..." Kayden whispered as she backed up into him, trying to get away from the murkrow. The dark flying type cawed as it moved forward pressing the two trainers together.

"Don't make this difficult." The woman snapped as she marched forward. Salandit snarled as fire burned at the corners of her mouth, as the woman grabbed Kayden's arm and the poison type's teeth sank into flesh. The woman screamed, yanking her hand backwards as Luke pulled Kayden behind him, as he called out sobble. The water type whimpered as houndour moved forward, fire rolling out of his mouth, as his dark eyes glowed in the firelight.

A loud booming roar echoed as flames flew down from above, separating the trainers from their attackers. The houndour yelped, jumping backwards, as the murkrow leapt into the air flying back to its trainer. A rumble came from behind Kayden and Luke as reshiram snarled. The legends head covering the two trainers and her wings bent around them protecting them. The people in black recalled their pokemon before racing off back into the mine, causing reshiram to calm. A small coo escaped the dragon type before she glanced down at the two trainers below her.

"The blood hell was that!" Luke yelled as he looked at Kayden, stepping away from her.

"I..." Kayden mumbled as she cut herself off trying to think about what to say. "I'm sorry." Kayden whispered after a few minutes.

"Tell me what that was about." Luke stated as Kayden pulled salandit closer to her chest.

"Can we set up camp?" Kayden asked as Luke stared at her for a moment before glancing up at the legend. Huffing a breath he glanced around the area noticing an open area in the middle of the long yellow grass.

"Sure..." Luke said as he turned heading towards the area as Kayden followed after. It was going to be a long night. 


Here is the next part guys. 

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