Anger and Relief

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"You could have been killed or maimed or..." Leon shouted as the two teens sat on the couch in Kabu's office. The fire type gym leader watched the champion pacing the room as he instructed Nessa to stretch her biceps. The water gym leader grumbled before pulling her arms behind her back and locking her hands before rotating her palms downward.

"It wasn't that bad, Leon." Nessa countered as she glanced at the two trainers giving a small smile.

"Not that bad! Not that BAD!" Leon nearly shouted. "Your gym basically exploded, you fought off six Team Void members including admins and Kayden was nearly kidnapped. How is it not that bad?" Leon continued to pace as Kayden ran her hands along salandit's back.

"Leon, we are all fine. Let them jus-"

"No! No more, I promised Ryder I would take care of her. You are coming with me to Wyndon and that is final." Leon clarified as he ran a hand through his hair and stormed out of the office space. "I'm going to get a flying taxi." Leon's voice rang through the room as the four remaining occupants sat in silence.

"I think you two should continue, after all you might want to keep collecting badges." Kabu stated as he looked in the direction the champion had gone. "However, I'm not the one in charge of you."

"Don't you think he's overreacting. I mean we are both okay in the end." Kayden pointed out but the two gym leaders just sort of shrugged.

"Again, we aren't in charge of you Kayden. Now, Luke, you don't have to go with her to Wyndon. I'm certain Leon will let you go with your family." Nessa stated. Luke sat in silence as Kabu stared at the female gym leader.

"I don't really have a family..." Luke mumbled after a few moments. "I mean I do but they sort of kicked me out, and Kabu has been letting me crash."

"I didn't know that." Kayden whispered as she stared at her friend.

"It didn't really come up." Luke replied. "But I'll just travel with you. Rather not have to go home or kind of bum around again." Luke grinned but it did little to relax Kayden.

"You know.... my father would probably... like... I'm certain when all this is over and I head back to Kalos, you could probably come with me if you want." Kayden smiled as Luke lit up a bit.

"Wait seriously?"

"Hell, yeah. I mean you've helped me so much, I'm certain my parents wouldn't even think twice." Kayden reassured as Luke chuckled.

"I'd like that." Luke responded as Leon came back into the room.

"Taxi is outside. Come on, let's get going." Kayden grabbed her backpack off the ground as Luke followed suit following after the champion. The corviknight fluttered its wings as its trainer stood beside the carriage opening it as the three approached. The bird lowered its head as the three climbed into the taxi as Leon settled on the seat across from the two.

"So now what?" Luke asked as he looked at the champion. The taxi rocked as it took off from the ground, heading into the air and away from the city.

"Now, I make sure that you two are safe. I have a friend who can help us out. His name is Rose, he is the chairman of the pokemon league." Leon stated as he got comfortable in the seat. Kayden looked out the window as Motostoke disappeared below them. The wild area passed by slowly as they flew, and a massive city came up.

"What is the name of this city?"

"Hammerlocke." Luke said as he looked out the window with her. The stone towers loomed upwards above the city, it reminded her of the home of the elite four back home in Kalos. The statue of a dragon head holding a sword came into view and just as quickly left. Kayden huffed as the city faded away as rolling mountains filled the view below.

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